"Sports Festival Fights" (1)

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"HERE WE GO! First Fight Will Be Between A Member Of The Study Course! GIVE IT UP FOR HITOSHI SHINSO!

"And His Opponent Will Be One Of Class 1.A's Horsemen, THE GREEN TANK IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Present

"Well I see that the Hero course tends to get a better introduction than everyone, Pretty biased for a teacher don't you think?" Shinsou


"Hey Ojirou, why did you resign your position?" Izuku

"Well Honestly it's because during the Cavalry battle, I didn't remember a thing, not until I bumped into someone on the opposing team. It was a weird experience all together I think that Purple guys got a-" Ojirou

(I forgot to put where they resign but just know they did)


"OI! Do you even know I am here or are you just soaking in your 1A ego?" Shinso

"So what are you supposed to be, another fake All Might wannabe?" Shinso

"What?" Izuku

"That's all I need" Shinso

Before Midoriya could process he got hypnotized by Shinso as his eyes to white

"Now walk out of this for me" Shinso said with a smile

"Oh No Deku!" Uraraka

"A mind control quirk, this isn't going well for Midoriya" Iida said with concern

"C'mon, I know you're stronger than that Izuku" You said while crossing your arms staring at the battle

"Dammit, even after telling him as well" Ojiro said fustrated as Izuku was controlled

"No No you can do this young Midoriya" All Might said worried for his succesor

"He didn't stand out at all but he could actually be someone amazing? Has Hitoshi Shinsou just beaten class A's Izuku Midoriya?" Present Mic

"If he can just overcome Shinsou's Brainwashing, Either way, this will end quickly" Aizawa

'Damnit my body is moving on its own, I can't stop it' Izuku said as he saw everything in a dark shade of purpl

'No... I won't... I CANNOT LOSE!' Izuku saw eight silhouettes that each were different colors with one's looked like All Mights

"Hold on for a second longer, Ninth!"

They all lent Izuku their power in order to transcend this mind control and win


A huge gust of wind was blown through the entire stadium.

"MIDORIYA!" Iida said excited Izuku got out

"Sigh I'm so glad" Uraraka says relief

"There you go bud, get him!" Y/N

"His fingers..." Aizawa said watching closely

Two of Izuku's fingers were broken but he can still fight. He looks up to his friends cheering him on, he responds with a dash at Shinso

"WHAAT? How did you do that? Explain!" Shinso

"You can produce that much power just by two fingers? I'm jealous" Shinso

UnSolved Knight [MHA x MALE READER MACAQUE] Status: On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now