Prologue/Chapter 1

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Team Prime was practically your family, though you never knew your real family, they took care of you and made sure you were apart of everything they did, well except missions, which sucked.
Miko, Jack, and Raf were your best fiends and were inseparably since day one but there was one down side, you were older than all of them. As for the Autobots, you always were so fascinated with them and always wanted to know more.

-1 Year After Joining Team Prime-

"Hello, Doc!" You greeted Ratchet with a big grin on your face which you never seemed to have.

"Your actually smiling, Y/N," He seemed to think you were up to no good along with Miko. "Might I ask why you are so 'happy'?" (They might as well just lay the prank right on me) he thought. He tensed up right before she was about to speak.

"Did you not hear the news?" She knitted her brows together.

He did a deep sigh. "I'm afraid not, Y/N. So please elaborate." You knew he wouldn't like the news of Wheeljack coming back to the team but what the heck.

"Jackie's coming back!" You had the biggest smile you've ever had your whole entire life on right on. "Now you and him can become best buds." You joked.

He mumbled something you couldn't hear but you knew it would be a 'well that's just fraging great!' sort of thing. "Well if you excuse me I have very important things to attend to so please, scurry off." He put a hand on his helm and shook his head.

"Don't be mad, Doc Bot!" You said as you walked over to Arcee and Bulkhead with the smile still on your face.

"Y/N! You excited to see Jackie?" Bulkhead asked with the same happy expression you had.

"Yes! It's going to be so fun around here now with him!" You couldn't hold the excitement in much longer, it was as if you were going to explode.

"So none of you think he'll be causing any trouble or putting the humans in any danger?!" Arcee almost yelled.

"Arce-" before you could finish you were cut off.

"Y/N, I know you and Wheeljack are good friends and all but he did almost kill you and Miko!" Rage engulfed Arcee and made your smile slowly fade away. "Listen, Y/N, I care about you and everyone's safety here, if anything were to happen to you I don't think anyone would be right again." She frowned making you do the same.

"Arcee, I understand you care about my safety and all but I'm an adult, I can take care of myself." You looked away not knowing if that was the right or wrong thing to say.

You three stood there for about five minutes of silence which was overwhelming. The silence was soon broke with a loud engine roar.

"Jackie!" You and bulkhead yelled with smiles.

Wheeljack transformed in front of you and Bulkhead. You always had somewhat of a crush on him, even though you knew he probably wouldn't even like you.

"Hey, Bulk!" Jackie said as he playfully hit his arm. "How's your lobbing coming?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I'm sure I may be better than you now!" Bulkhead teased as they gave each other a high five.

Wheeljack noticed you and came over with a smirked which made you smile. "And how's my all time favorite Wrecker?" You blushed a little bit trying to hid it. "How about later you and I go on a ride in the Jackhammer?" He smirked

The smirk always got you no matter how hard you tried to not to blush. "I'm fine, Jackie. And a ride in the Jackhammer sounds lovely." You gave each other a fist bump and sat down as he greeted everyone else. Jackie was cute, tough, and a smart aft, but you liked that. You always cared for him and he always cared for you, it was almost like a system.

-5 Hours After Arrival-

You and Jackie were in the Jackhammer flying around Jasper, Nevada. You and him had some small talk here and there, though you always wanted to ask a million questions.

Jackie broke the silence with a question. "So, how's your love life?" He didn't look you in the eye when he said it.

(Love life?) you thought (why would he be interested in my love life?) "It's okay...Still single...But besides that I'm doing practically fine. Why do you ask?" Your eyebrows furrowed. Why would he want to know such a thing?

"No reason." He stated with a big smirk.

-Authors Note-
Hello everyone! I will be posting chapter 2 shortly! This was written on 6/23/15
If you have any questions please comment and I may be able to respond!

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