Sonic xtreme episode 4

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Sonic xtreme

Episode 4

Warning this episode will contain

A lot of Violence

Dark themes

If you would rather not see this then i'd recommend reading something else but if you are ok with this then on with the show

Our story begins on a dark and cloudy night our heroes had just gotten some rest sonic was up on the roof resting up there for no apparent reason other then he could chris and cream were sleeping in the bed of chris's mother to try and relax with their mothers currently being away and chuck was the only one who was not only still up but being productive using a small sample of sonic's fur just to test how it acts when being harmed but while he was doing some testing in his lab a test flight was going awfully wrong up in the skies above cream was not the only one of sonic's friends to arrive nor was she the only one to have a hostile arrival as sonic's doubled tailed sidekick despite doing well hiding in the woods the previous day was noticed and being taken out

Prior to this tails sonic's young two tailed sidekick had already arrived on earth and was lucky to land his plane in some woods a good bit away from where sonic and cream ended up but on this night he decided to attempt to find sonic and cream seeing if he alone was sent here of if the others ended up here but this was merely an attempt and not a successful one as while flying around the military still trying to find sonic and cream after what happened the day prior sent out some people to fly outside the city to see if they fled outside it and as a group of 3 each in military fighting jets flew around they noticed a unfamiliar plane being flown up high and flew up to get them to land just to check who they were and ask some questions tails noticed this and began to worry wondering if this was the work of eggman or maybe some other evil villain and not even wanting to think of why they were following him or what they wanted with him

" whoever is flying this plane we request that you land this plane so we can ask some questions " the first pilot whose name was dave said asked kindly simply wanting him to land to ask why he was up here and what he was doing with them being unable to notice tail's appearance with them not being too close to him

But tails had no idea what to think it had been hard for him to think since he got here he had been worried sick about sonic cream and the others he hadn't had a chance to sleep or eat with how worried he'd become and he simply was having a hard time thinking if these people could be trusted but he still answered them regardless

" um sorry sir but i can't land at the moment this girl could break apart with ease if she lands on the grounds bellow us i'll try to meet up whenever i can find a safe place " tails said trying to lie his way out of having to talk with them and the pilots did not take this well and noticed something rather interesting with how he spoke

" you sound awfully young for someone flying a plane like this we'd like to have you land now to talk " the second pilot whose name was damian said being prepared in case he tries anything funny were to happen

Tails stressed out even more now didn't know what to do with his state of mind and began to worry

" look i'm not trying to cause any harm i'm just trying to find my friends and i don't want any trouble so just leave me alone " tails said sounding very scared and afraid whilst readying defences

the pilots on the other hand began to talk with him with damian and dale agreeing to try and calm the young lad down whilst dave tried to fly closer to get a better view of tails

" easy easy calm down we aren't here to hurt you either we just want to talk this doesn't have to end badly " dale said as the first pilot got closer and began to notice that he didn't look like them in the slightest

Sonic xtreme episode 4Where stories live. Discover now