The queen bee gets executed (part 2)

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Heather POV:

After my discussion with Alejandro,I went to go and get everyone and told them to come to the first class area for an important meeting, and that everyone must sit down and listen to what I have to say.

Heather:Okay everyone, so the reason I have told you all to come here is because we need to take action against the killer right now!

Cody:How do we do that like?

Heather:I was getting to that part but then you RUDELY interrupted me.


Noah:Can you just hurry up and explain already, I'm getting tired.

Heather:Whatever, so we are going to be voting for who we think the killer is...


Heather:Oh my god shut up.

Tyler:Heather it's not his fault that you're slow at explaining things, no offense.

Heather:Ugh! basically, whoever has the most votes will be executed VIA any execution method.

Everyone except Heather: okay.

Heather:so, you will all go one at a time to vote for who you think the killer is okay? And the glorious executor will count up the votes. So, who wants to be the executor?


Heather:No one wants to do it?

Noah raises his hand and states

Noah:I'll do it..since you're all just a bunch of chickens.

Tyler:Chickens where!?

Noah:it's another way of saying you're all scared of doing it Tyler, there are no chickens you big idiot.

Tyler:Oh! Thanks.


Heather:now we have all sorted that out now we can proceed with the voting process.

No ones POV:

Everyone began to cast their votes starting in alphabetical order, then when they finished Heather walked up to Noah and gave the voting box to him so he could read out the votes, he began to say something but was stopped when someone said that someone probably tampered with the votes but no efforts of checking that out were to be made, Noah slowly begun to read the votes making sure he didn't say anyone's name wrong. The votes were...

3 for Tyler

5 for Alejandro

and the rest were for...


Heather:Wait this can't be right...

Noah:Too bad that we can't have a revote.


Noah:I'd say I was sorry but that's like out of my personality and that lot, but Heather I hope you enjoy your afterlife.

Heather:No please!!!IM BEGGING YOU!

Cody:something isn't right and you know that Noah, so don't execute her.

Noah:but...Cody it's my job...?

Cody:If you fucking kill her because of the rigged voting i'm never going to talk to you EVER AGAIN.

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