Gangs and Games

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The big slapper pulls him in. The strength of his waist doing most of the job, while his penis doesn't seem the least deranged by the tension the red cloth creates around it. Two dick slaps to each side, as the tension of the cloth is being released once the dignified man starts flying towards the big slapper. The dignified man doesn't let himself be surprised, and manages to clap his cheeks three times. As he goes face forward to the big slapper's belly, he spreads his arms and straightens his legs, leaning his head backwards and clenching his cheeks. Once they make contact, the big slapper is the one who finds himself touching the floor with his back. The dignified man manages two more cheek claps, standing proudly over him.

The sound of the penis is nowhere to be heard, as the score is drawn on the asses of those leading, showing a 5-4 in favour of the dignified man. "Oh my, please don't tell me this is all you, repulsive, genitalia clappers have to offer, oh ho," the dignified man says, feeling his raw cheeks at the back. He smiles over the collapsed mass of meat and penis on the floor. The dignified man doesn't clap his cheeks. He bends over to show some degree of class for the fallen enemy.

The big slapper seems to struggle getting up, the dignified man puts his ass to offer as a way to help him. The big slapper clasps hard at his cheeks, yet they remain firm in place. "I wonder what he does to maintain those cheeks," I say under my breath.

"I hear they train by holding weights between their cheeks," a guy dressed in street clothes responds to my right. I wonder how he heard me amidst the loud noises. He has a certain look about him, indicating great power and if I look at him more carefully, he seems better dressed in some portions than his pals. "I hope Francesco's scoundrels didn't skip on training," he looks at me, probably expecting me to tell of my routine.

"Definitely not, I do-" erm, what sounds good in this context. "I do pushups, fifty of them each morning.". His eyes widen, and he starts scratching his shaved chin. "I, uh, also do side steps, three hundred," what is wrong with me? Those sounds like average exercises at best, and definitely not something they would do for dick slapping.

"Impressive, Francesco must have really high expectations of you," he looks with a sense of pride towards me. He gets down and-jesus holy christ. "I can do ten at best, you should show me how you do it, maybe there's something more to it," he's doing dick pushups. I'm not sure what I'm seeing, but that looks wrong from all the angles. The way it bends forward, then coming back as the veins bulge with pressure.

"A-anyway, let's watch what happens next," the big slapper gets up, and so does the guy to my right, pushing hard with his penis against the ground and getting up with seemingly no issue. The dignified man bends over once more as he stands in front of the big slapper, extending his right hand outwards, while putting his left one on his chest.

"You may retreat while having the least amount of dignity, large gentleman," the dignified man says to the big slapper. "I'll throw just one more clap of the cheek to en-" *SMACK* the big slapper slaps the dignified man with his dick! His face is coloured an odd shape of red, as the big slapper moves his hips and slaps his dick from side to side two times. The dignified man is thrown back by the force. His cheeks clapping just as the red cloth strangles his waist and forces the penis of the big slapper to extend to some degree.

"I ain't taking no defeat," he spits to his left, unsightly and unnecessary, "now come and play little man. We're ending this mano a mano.". The fight continues with the score even. I break out of the trance looking at this, finally starting to get a better grasp at how I'm supposed to bait Nataelo.

They like competition, and that doesn't seem to have sprawled out of these people's own volition. Seems more likely that Nataelo, or at least some of the gang leaders started this. Thus it carried on and became something larger. Boss would've told me if I could simply tell Nataelo that he challenges him, if Nataelo were to bite into that. So either it's hard to bring Nataelo outside his comfort zone, or there is something more between the two that Nataelo would rather not confront boss about. Whichever it is, it will impede me from directly baiting him into it. The other issue is in regards to his lack of ca-"Seven to nine!" the guy in the middle announces, the big slapper taking the lead. Anyway, he doesn't care about the other gang leaders, much less for the foot soldiers I figure. Boss also probably wants him out of here due to the sheer amount of acolytes. The last thing I can figure, is taking him on a crosswalk, and force him to come to boss, or else. Something along- "The booty clappers win!".

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