The story you are about to read is entirely fictitious and does not represent or relate to any actual persons, events, or incidents. This story does not possess or adhere to any connections or resemblances with the real world. Readers can be rest assured that the story they are about to embark on is a fabrication, devoid of real-life implications or references, and can be explored solely for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to an actual person or an actual event/incident is wholly coincidental.
The book content is completely and wholly original and has not been copied from any other work. It assures readers that there are no existing parallels or comparisons to be made with any other text or source material, and that the ideas and content depicted in the book are entirely originated from the author's own imagination.
The content cannot be reproduced or copied without the permission of the author, as they have full ownership and rights over their creation. This declaration protects the author's legal rights as well as the integrity of the original content. It encourages readers to support the author and to request permission before any reproduction or copying takes place.
Author's Note
I was not born as a skilled writer; it is a craft that must be honed and perfected through practice and dedication. I am under no obligation to write flawlessly, and minor errors or typos here and there should not deter me from expressing myself. It is all part of the process, and each word I type serves as an opportunity for growth and improvement. So instead of being discouraged by everyone's own perceived imperfections, I take pride in what I am able to accomplish and strive to do better each time I sit down to write.
Read with caution!
As you read the warning message, you feel a sudden sense of apprehension and uncertainty. The warning signals that the story ahead contains sensitive content which may be difficult or distressing to some readers. You know this is a story that will require you to use discretion. You are reminded that you can choose to stop reading and exit out the story anytime the content becomes unsettling or uncomfortable.
This story is an lgbt-themed (gl).
If you are uncomfortable with such themes or cannot approach them with a level of understanding and respect, then it's perfectly fine to avoid this story entirely.The themes of this story explore intense topics such as violence, sexual themes, and strong language. These content can be distressing and triggering to some readers, so it's essential to approach the story with caution and to take care of your well-being. It's valid if you find the story disturbing or triggering, and it's important to acknowledge and respect your own feelings.
Understand the characters before judging them. Some of them may not be fit to your liking but be reminded that the emotions, feelings, fear, and pain, etc... that the characters display are somehow experienced in the real world.
We often judge a character by their actions or statements, ignoring the underlying reason for those actions. It's important to understand the motivations and thought processes behind their actions in order to truly understand the character and their place in the narrative. It's essential to keep an open mind and approach characters with empathy and understanding.
The goal is to make readers feel the emotions that the characters display, thus allowing them to connect with and get absorbed in the story. It encourages readers to become a part of the narrative and become engaged in the lives of the characters, allowing them to feel the intensity and authenticity of the events. This approach seeks to engage readers on a deeper and more emotional level, giving them a chance to experience the story through the characters' perspectives.
I am not going to offer further warnings or cautionary statements throughout the story. I have already provided a general disclaimer before the story which informs readers of the potential negative impacts the content may have on them. Given that, the I am not going to reinforce or repeat these warnings throughout the chapters.
Date started/published: January 6, 2024
Date finished/completed: to be determined
Romance|matriarchs series - mercy| agape ~the highest form of love, selfless, sa crificial, unconditional; persists no matter the circumstance __________ Keeva Mallory Gavilan --- A lost sheep who has been searching for someone to fill her broken and empty...