Since you love food you should become food

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Owen POV:

I ate all the food at the front and then I somehow found food at the back of the bar table.
look at all this yummy delicious food, I wonder who made it? It smells so amazing but weird at the same time I'd ask my little buddy about it but he's sleeping with Cody right now. I guess I'll go ask someone else about it like Courtney or Tyler? No I can't trust Tyler just yet and Courtney seems too stressed out to even care about my question about the food, the food seems suspicious, it's like it's not meant for me but for someone else, I wonder who it's for? I don't know who to ask. Should I just take it or should I not? It's a question that I need to know the answer stomach is aching for the food, I can't resist the temptation...but I must. There is a killer on this plane and the food might be poisoned. I don't want to die but at this rate I might go insane without food for much longer. Wait a minute...I can feel someone's eyes on me...I don't want to turn around. I don't want to die! Please! Wait...I'm not alone.The killer can't strike now because I'm with people! I can eat this food freely!

No one's POV:

Owen picked up a piece of the food and threw it into his mouth carefully and swallowed it whole..As they say, don't trust things because they might not be what they appear to be...Owen passed out from the food and his head slammed on the bar table, Noah opened one eye looking at what Owen did, Noah thought he fell asleep after eating and thought nothing of it until he noticed him being dragged away slowly because owen is like massive and it would take a while for someone to drag him, Noah tried to get up but he couldn't since Cody was laying on his arm, he softly tapped him a couple of times until he woke up.

Cody:Noah...why did you get me up?

Noah:Someone took owen!



Cody:Well we gotta find him then!

Noah could clearly tell Cody was still tired by the look on his face but that didn't matter at the moment because they had to find Owen. You see, Noah was never distressed or worried but when his best friend is gone that's when he has to worry. And right now he is worried.

Cody is also worried, but he knows that Owen is probably dead...well that's his guess. But not that it mattered but he will try to help Noah find him even if he knows he's probably gone for good.He will never forgive Noah for basically executing his mother figure.But..As she said, Noah will take care of him, and Noah promised he would, but he still lost trust for him...but he loved him..he was obsessed with him, but not to the point he would murder people for him.

In the cargo hold again

Ofcourse the killer would put him here, but the killer needed his tools, and he needed to go get them from the cockpit but how does he do that well, he obviously just snuck in and stole items from there like ; Saws, knives, axes and chainsaws.The killer cut Owen's head off with the axe and started chopping up his body into little pieces, the food had very strong pills which knocked Owen out, He will never wake up...The killer grabbed a blender and started to place the little pieces of his body and his bones in the blender and turned it one making a red and white liquid and he threw the tools out of the plane. There was indeed no evidence of his death.And the killer placed the blender behind the bar desk when he was walking. No one saw him though, and no one thought he would do it. Except those three people.

Night fell

The night began with Noah and Cody looking for owen, when they came across a blender.Noah looked at Cody with a neutral expression and Cody looked back at him with a "Owen might have been blended alive." kind of look,Noah grabbed the blender.Cody stared at him.Noah looked close up to the blender and saw pieces of Owen's clothes in the blender and dropped the blender causing it to smash and the blended "liquid" sprayed out.

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