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thors pov

The palace is quiet and night is late, I wander the halls in search of something, something which I do not know. My mindless path has led me to the holding chambers of criminals which have always drawn me in, I travel deeper into the cold holding chambers still searching, I notice a door that I have not seen but once in my dreams, it draws me in with innocent intent. I approach the tall heavy-looking door, wary of the contents inside. I give the door a slight push causing it to swing open and hit the walls on the other side.

The room is white and filled with a blinding light, the middle of the room showed a small magically guarded box, the box had a bed in the corner and a man with his back to the walla his legs sprawled out his hair long and curly resting in front of his face. I step closer to the man as he speaks, "Brother" his voice is hoarse and brittle as he turns his head my way, he smiles a sad grin.

I look at the pale man his dull green eyes pierce my soul as my head starts throbbing and it all comes back to me the invasion of NY is no longer a heavy blur but is clear. my brother Loki the god of mischief is here and alive, my eyes heavy and warm. "Loki..." I plead as I stumble forward, "My brother I thought you gone dead when you fell..." my words fall as heavy as my tears. I approach the magic barrier that is holding him into his confined cell, his eyes dull and emotionless he smiles a small heavy sigh, "I'm sorry brother I didn't know, I had forgotten" my words almost stumbling out of my mouth as I disable the magical barrier. once down I rush to my baby brother reaching out to grab him, he flinches heavily but does not move away as I place my hand on the back of his neck, I pull his temple towards mine as I cry, his motionless face makes my sadness turn to anger, he had fallen unconscious fueling my anger even further.

I pick up Loki gently holding him bridal style, I walk out of the prison chamber passing guards who yell and demand I return him to his cell, my mind blank as anger overwhelms me, and the Asgardian sky turns dark as I march towards the Bifrost, Loki still motionless in my arms. Heimdall as stoic as ever looks in my direction "Midgard" I state not wanting to look back at the many guards rushing toward me, Heimdall nods and activates the Bifrost.

lokis pov

As endless time passes my stomach not growling as all my energy has depleted rapidly, the thought of my brother Thor who had once looked at me with awe before but now had not come to visit once in the time I have spent here, losing count of the time passed as I couldn't bother to keep count.

the unfamiliar creek of the large door that sat in front of me and a familiar face enters, thor my big brother my beloved brother, my brother... he approaches me "Brother" I try to call out but my voice has not been used in what felt like a century, I smile at the arrival of company using the last of my energy to rise the corners of my mouth. my brother his eyes filling with tears which rather upsets me, why should he be feeling this upset after leaving me after promising to protect me? I look at Thor as he stumbles closer to me his lip quivering noticeably, "Loki..." he says my name with a wet tongue his voice shaking slightly,  "My brother I thought you gone dead when you fell..." his words confused me with anger what do you mean you brought me here and left me how dare you try and act dumb, I would think that you were the god of lies as the tears falling from his face looked genuine.

This pity somehow relieves me I smile again but sigh in relief as I am just glad someone had decided to acknowledge his presence, "I'm sorry brother I didn't know, I had forgotten", these words anger me as how could you forget me, your brother form who you claimed to love so much, he had disabled the force field around the cell and rushes towards me, I flinch from the sudden approach, I would try and move away but I haven't been able to move for awhile not having the energy to even move onto the bed. he places his hands on the back of my neck, his hands warm, I have not felt warmth from another human being in a long time having this unfamiliar sensation I let him pull our heads together, he cries but I do not as I have no tears to shed having not felt a strong emotion for awhile I close my eyes just taking in the moment before he leaves. I didn't want to open my eyes again so I didn't.

so uuh this is my first story and I just want to state that if any of the characters are OOC and you want them  to be correct please just inform me if there are any mistakes I would also appreciate feedback this is also a brother thorki, not romance thorki thank you for reading i will be updating soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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