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His view

There Was she dancing in the moonlight. So beatiful and wonderfull Made is she.
My daughter. She was my lost sheep but
I FOUND her.
I brought her home. Now she is safe with me and she will be forever with me and no one can harm her and her beatiful heart. She was dancing and I looked after her she was full in peace because she was with me. Cause Only I can give peace, peace the world can't give. (John 14:27)

ONCE her heart was full with a hole she cried and wanted to die but now. She has peace that hole is healed.
I am that I am.
I am RAPHA (healer | Matthew 17,  Mark 9, Luke 9)

Her eyes were looking after me she smiled and runned after me.
She hugged me and I  said her  with a calm voice
I am the Light of this world. (John 8:12)

Her view
I was dancing in the moonlight in this sweet summer night the birds were singing silent and the wind was blowing through my hair it was such a nice feeling. It was night but there was a  light and I looked to the Light.

And then.
There Was he.
The man with who died on the cross for my sins.for the sins of this world.
He bore all the guilt of this world just to save us out of love for us humans..

I looked at his hands and saw the holes in his hands and I thought for a moment.
What pain he must have suffered, just for the sake of the World..

I runned after him. I smiled. and hugged him and heard him in a calm voice saying

I AM the Light of this world. (John 8:12)

Then it was everywhere light. So much light.
Not like the Light of light bulb but so much better so much full of peace so much of love.. Uhm.. lovelier..
So much holier.. He is so holy. I thought.
ALL anxiety was gone the doubtings the fears the toughts were always running haha-. But it was so.. different.

The Love
The peace

I turned my back and I heard a wisper..
There Was HE he said..

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah  41:10)

I closed my eyes and tried to listen to HIM.
I started to cry but I didn't really know why...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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