Ya'll really thought I'd tell you 🫵

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(You guys really thought I'd actually give you what you want 😞 wait till next chapter~)

(*mentions of s*xual a$$ault. It's only the words though, and no descriptions of it.*)

_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

I sat on a couch. Venti's couch. I'm kind of wondering why I'm here, but I guess it's because I was bored. I can't really complain, since I agreed to be here.

"Back to the topic at hand~!" Venti said, redirecting the conversation we were having to whatever the reason he had me, Xiao, and Heizou come to his house on the night before both me and Heizou's math exams. I'd much rather be studying, but I guess I willingly came here, so it doesn't matter.

"Ah— so why are we here?" I asked, though I already knew Venti was going to answer that question in the next couple of words he spoke.

"We're going to talk about Kazuha's new crush~" Venti's eyebrows raised up and down simultaneously, a playful gesture as his child-like expression turned towards me.

"Crush-? Wait—" Realization hit me like a bullet. We were here to discuss Scaramouche, who they seemed to think was my new crush. Heizou chuckled beside me, and I nudged his side with my elbow. "He is not my crush!"

"If you say so~" Venti smirked, giggling. God, I was so done. Either way, it's best not to give Venti the reaction he wants, so I should probably compose myself. "Anyways, what do you guys think of Scaramouche??"

"He seems off." Xiao responded rather quickly. I noticed Xiao doesn't seem to like him much. I personally think Scaramouche seemed like any other student at this school, but it seems Xiao thinks otherwise. I doubt he'll elaborate on that comment unless we ask, which no one bothered to.

"He used to bully kids at our middle school..." Heizou said solemnly, looking a bit afraid. Ah, but Scaramouche seemed like such a nice person. Well, not rude enough to bully anyone. Would Scaramouche really be that bad? I know Ajax said some things about him, but I'm sure he was exaggerating.

"I know you said he was a troublemaker, but I didn't think he'd go as far as to bully people!" Venti exclaimed, looking rather surprised. Heizou looked like he was uneasy, and Xiao seemed as if he already knew this. Was Scaramouche really that bad?

Heizou made a responsive 'hmm' sound before continuing. "It was so bad he got expelled." Heizou said, looking anxious as he continued to talk. My eyes widened. Did Scaramouche bully Heizou? Is that why Heizou looked so upset..? Or did Scaramouche threaten Heizou if he told us..? Why was Heizou so restless?

"Actually?" Venti looked even more surprised. I didn't think Scaramouche's bullying would go that far. Even Xiao seemed a little put off by this.

If Heizou was possibly a victim of bullying by Scaramouche, and went to the same school as him, maybe he knew what Ajax was talking about when he mentioned that something big happened before he got expelled.

"Do you know why Scaramouche got expelled? Ajax mentioned that something big happened between Scaramouche and some other student that got him expelled." I questioned Heizou. Heizou widened his eyes a bit, before brushing a loose strand of hair from his face.

"I'm not 100% sure... but I heard that he... uhm..." Heizou looked a little awkward saying it, as if he was afraid of something. "He uhm... that he sexually assaulted someone." I was stunned. Scaramouche wouldn't do that, would he?! There's just no way.

Everyone was silent for a moment, taking in the information. Did Scaramouche really do that? Heizou did say that he wasn't 100% sure, but being accused of sexual assault is a big thing... If someone were to tell me about it, then I guess I would believe them. It's sexual assault, how could you not believe the victim?!

"Were you.. friends with the victim?" I asked Heizou, to which he nodded in return. He looked rather uneasy. I could tell that he didn't want to talk about this subject any longer, but it was a serious thing and we should probably talk about if we're even going to talk to Scaramouche anymore.

"Just don't tell anyone, okay?" Heizou made us promise to him we wouldn't tell anyone. I guess I would get it, because he wouldn't want it getting out that his friend was sexually assaulted. I don't know who that friend is, but I'm sure they'd rather stay anonymous so I won't ask.

"So are not hanging out with Scaramouche anymore? I guess it's fine if we drop him, since we've only known each other for a couple days." Venti reasoned. I didn't really want to drop Scaramouche, but if he sexually assaulted someone, then I guess we should be hanging out with him.

"I guess so..." I sighed, I was rather disappointed. I still didn't really believe Scaramouche could do something like that, but I doubt Heizou would lie to me. Something did seem a little off, but I guess it's just because of the sensitive topic.

I after another moment of pure silence, it seemed Venti was ready to change the topic, speaking up once again. "So~! Since it's Halloween in a couple weeks, do you guys want to go in matching costumes?" Venti changed the subject, and instantly everyone seemed to beam again. I guess all was needed to change the atmosphere was a couple of carefree words.

"I'm sure you and Xiao would love to match~" Heizou teased, causing Xiao to blush a bit, Venti following soon after as he caught Heizou's words. Venti threw a pillow at Heizou and Heizou started to laugh uncontrollably. I joined in, adding a few of my own laughs to the mixture of conversation. It was fun, hanging out with everyone like this.

Xiao sighed as Venti and Heizou started a pillow fight, soon forcing the two of us to join in. It was a frenzy of pillow throwing. God, this is so childish. But I guess it's not too bad to have some fun every once in a while.

"I'm going to kill you, I swear!" Venti chased Heizou down the stairs, me and Xiao soon following after. Our fight was only stopped as Venti's mother, Jean, yelled at us to stop running around the house.

We all lowered our heads before heading back upstairs, Jean and Venti's little sister, Klee, watched us. Venti had two other siblings, Klee and Albedo, both of them were blonde like Venti's mother. Klee and Albedo seemed closer attached to each other than they were with Venti, though they still loved him. I guess it's because Venti was adopted, so I can't blame them, but I still feel a little bad. I don't think it bothers Venti much though, at least I hope not.

For the rest of the night we kind of just hung out in Venti's room. Me and Heizou left at around 9:30pm, but I think Xiao might've stayed for longer.


Words: 1178

End of that chapter! I wrote this all in one sitting, right after the day I posted the last chapter, so I'm decently proud. I hope it doesn't seemed rushed or anything, but it's finished. I really hate Heizou in this fic but oh well. 🤷‍♀️ Sorry to leave you all on a cliff hanger last chapter and still not explain it, but it's coming next chapter! Bye bye! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

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