𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱 ᅳ 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬

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With a sigh and one last look at her sister, whose hand she had squeezed again, Tig escorted Sage out of the room when visiting hours were over

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With a sigh and one last look at her sister, whose hand she had squeezed again, Tig escorted Sage out of the room when visiting hours were over. Only one person was allowed to stay with Dawn, and that was only because the nurses knew that some shitty, made up rules wouldn't stop Tig from staying with his daughter.

Plus there was still the lockdown, which meant there was still danger. Even though things had become quiet after the attack on Dawn and a prospect, who also survived, the club wanted to be on the safe side and maintain the lockdown until the club had retaliated.

Sage wasn't thrilled at all, she didn't want to keep running into Fawn. Especially not after the little argument earlier. And Tig knew that, which is exactly why he approached Happy first.

The killer lounged on an uncomfortable chair in the hallway, waiting for news or what would happen next. After seeing Fawn's angry, red face two hours ago, he already suspected that there had been a fight between the sisters. His suspicions were only confirmed when he spotted Sage's split lip.

"What happened?" he asked her after he stood up and approached her, gently running his thumb along her lip.

Sage grimaced as the pad of his thumb came near the open wound, but played it down. "Nothing special. Fawn was just being...well, Fawn."

"That's why she was so pissed off and left without a word", Happy guessed.

Fawn had simply glanced at Jax after she came storming out of the room earlier, who had followed his wife with an exhausted sigh. If Jax wouldn't be such a pain in the ass sometimes, Happy could almost feel bad for him. Being married to a woman like Fawn certainly wasn't easy.

The redhead could only roll her eyes. "She's a drama queen, always has been."

As the two talked, Tig observed the scene closely and furrowed his brows. He was surprised that Happy even said so many words and it seemed like he really cared about Sage's well-being. Happy had no compassion for anyone other than the club and his mother.

"Can someone explain why you guys are so close?", he asked, pointing his finger back and forth between the two of them. "Is there something going on I should know about?"

A slight grin graced his lips at the thought. That would at least be good news for a change. Or not? Sage had been hurt before and Tig didn't want that to happen again and until now he couldn't imagine Happy ever actually getting into anything serious.

His daughter, on the other hand, was someone who enjoyed relationships. Who liked having someone by her side with whom she could share her life, her joy and her worries. Tig's worry was that if something were between them, Sage would develop feelings while Happy wouldn't.

But what mattered to Tig right now was seeing that Sage seemed comfortable around Happy. She needed this support right now.

"No", they both answered in unison, smirking at each other before looking back at Tig.

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