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DABI WAS INTERESTING TO SAY the least. as soon as you had gotten home, your phone chimed with a new notification. you dropped your bag on the ground and fished your phone out of your hoodie's pockets, when you turned it on and checked your notifications, you saw a text from an unknown number, simply reading "it's me".

you immediately knew who it was, seeing as you only gave your phone number to one person today, so you replied with a simple 'hi dabi'. after you hit send you made your way to your bedroom to get out of your leotard and pantyhose.

you didn't have to wait long until you heard your phone ding again, and when you looked at the notification, unbeknownst to you though, a small smile made its way onto your face when you saw who it was.

━━━ ★

the next morning when you made your way to the twins hospital room, you saw katsuki was already there, he sat on the floor with his legs crossed and on each side of him was one of the girls, none of them noticed you standing in the doorway, i mean how could they when katsuki was sitting there and showing them stuff on his phone

"hi kids" you greeted walking into the room and dropping your bag on one of the beds

the two girls looked up at you and waved enthusiastically before they went back to staring at whatever katsuki was showing them with a great amount of intrigue on their faces, katsuki on the other hand, stood up and cleared his throat awkwardly as he pocketed his phone, earning protests from the two girls who looked up at him and pouted

"uh so how are ya?" he asked, doing some sort of awkward gesture with his hands

you nodded and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ear before you responded; "yeah, i'm good, and you?" your response was just as awkward as his

the tension in the room was palpable. it was so thick it could be cut with a knife, and i think katsuki noticed this, because he opted to keep himself busy with something on the other end of the room

"oh uhm katsuki?" you called out to the blonde, making him look up at you

"i need to tell you something later"

━━━ ★

unbeknownst to you, when you told katsuki you had something to tell him, it began eating at him. he had been distracted all day, always spacing out and not replying when you spoke to him, amongst other things of course.

this, you picked up almost immediately, i mean how could you not, he wasn't acting like he normally would, all confident and sure of himself. but now, he was spacey and constantly deep in thought about something.

your mind had began overthinking this; maybe he didn't like the kiss the two of you shared and now he's avoiding you, or maybe he found out what you wanted to talk to him about and hes avoiding you. the more you thought about it the more your scenarios ended up in him avoiding you one way or another

so you decided to prevent that, you would talk to him now. it couldnt wait anymore

━━━ ★

the two of you stood outside of the hospital in the visitors parking lot, you leaned against a random car and katsuki stood in front of you, mid-lighting a cigarette when you asked him a question he did not expect; "can i try that?"

katsuki looked up at you, a look of shock evident on his face as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and rested it behind his ear

"no" he told you sternly, crossing his arms over his chest, his shocked expression fell and one of confusion made its way onto his face

"why not?" you asked, taking a step forward, "it can't be that bad"

"look," he started, taking the cigarette back out from behind his ear, ( this time he actually lit it ); "your mother most likely hates my guts an' i don't want that hate to become worse when she finds out someone older than her kid voluntarily gave them cigs to smoke" he said, taking a drag from the cig and blowing it out immediately

"she doesn't hate you katsuki" you offered pathetically, this made the blonde scoff

"y/n why'd you drag me out here? i know it wasn't to ask for smokes, so out with it" he asked, focusing all his attention on you and you alone

you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, you mumbled something. and even though he didn't hear half of what you said, he heard the name 'dabi' leaving your mouth as clear as daylight, and this struck a chord in him.

why were you talking to dabi? didn't you know he was bad news? well obviously you didn't know that, because if you did then you wouldn't be talking to that pretentious asshole

"god how do you know him?" he asked

he was frustrated, you could tell by the way he ran a hand through his hair and by the way his jaw was clenching and unclenching

"i gave him my number yesterday, we've been texting since, he's cool" you told him, taking out your phone to show you the older man's contact on your phone

"i dunno what possessed you to do that, but i swear to god sweetness, this man is bad news, trust me, i know, an' he might seem cool as fuck right now, but he ain't, so stop fucking with fire before it burns you, cause talking to him, is doing that, an' i don't want you hurt" katsuki told you, killing his half smoked cigarette as he walked away from you, leaving you there with something that clearly needed to be thought about.

━━━ ★

trust me this might not make sense rn, but it will eventually hehe. i js wanna say thank you for 1k reads on this book, i really appreciate each n every one of you who took the time to read the nonsense i wrote down lol

also we hit double digit chapters !!

anyways thank you for reading this chapter, please vote n comment

s-shrooms ◡̈

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