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A/n: hi guys. It's been a while 😭.

I do have to admit, having 4 months off was not how long I was supposed to be gone for.

And, as a late Christmas present. I present to you, as many chapters I can make in one night!!

Please tell me none of you dropped this book. I'll cry 🙁.

And don't worry, I won't be uploading these chapters and leaving for another 4 months, I plan to start regularly updating this book again! Thank you for being patient for me 🫶.


"Ah! Isagi! Help a friend out, yeah?" Hyo pleaded as he lifted his head up from his desk and looked over at Isagi beside him, who wasn't actually doing anything.

"If you need help with studying, count me out." Isagi responded with no hesitation. He didn't exactly deem himself as the greatest tutor anyway. "What?! Oh, come on! I'm gonna fail." Hyo whined.

"It's just a small test? It's not like it's an actual exam." Isagi shrugged. Thankfully, exams haven't started up yet. It was dreadful to even think about them. In Hyo's opinion.

"It still leads up to exams." Hyo reminded Isagi. It's been a while since the camp they were at. In all honesty, they would 100% do it again if it were up to them. "True point." Isagi responded.

"Why not just ask Chigiri? Or Reo, I doubt Rin would help, so he's out of the question." Isagi suggested. "Though in all honesty, why don't you just ask Reo and Chigiri anyway? You share a dorm with them." Isagi shrugged as he looked at Hyo, who looked bored.

"I might ask Haven, to be honest." Hyo said as he stood up from his desk and stretched. The bell rang just in time. "I've noticed you haven't been spending your time with Reo that often." Isagi spoke up.

This wasn't the first time Isagi tried to have this conversation with Hyo, but he always found a way to avoid the questions Isagi would ask. It's beginning to annoy Isagi. "Can I know the reason?" Isagi asked as he stood up as well.

Hyo remained silent for a while. Before finally sighing in defeat and deciding to open up to Isagi. "Well, we had a small disagreement. Ever since then, he doesn't want to talk to me." Hyo shrugged.

"Doesn't sound like a small disagreement to me." Isagi said bluntly before grabbing his bag and looking at him. They both walked out of the classroom together, deciding to head to the rooftop.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it if he doesn't want to talk about it. Feelings are complicated." Hyo shrugged as they reached the rooftop to only find Nagi there. "Or... even see me." Hyo chuckled awkwardly.

"Would you still define this as a 'small disagreement'?" Isagi repeated Hyo's exact words. While Hyo just laughed, even though he didn't even find this whole situation funny. Isagi sighed and walked over to Nagi, sitting down next to him while Hyo sat opposite of the 2.

"Hiya Nagi!" Hyo waved, Nagi nodded in acknowledgment. He was too focused on his phone to lift his head in any way. Isagi just decided to continue talking to Hyo. "So then where is Reo?" He questioned...it was rather unusual to see Reo without Nagi as well.

"He went off with Chigiri somewhere." Nagi shrugged. That was pretty much all the information Nagi remembered. "Relationships are complicated." Hyo sighed and laid down on the ground.

"Relationships? Are you dating someone now?" Nagi asked curiously as he lifted his head up to suddenly join in the conversation. "What? No. Well, at least I thought we had something." Hyo complained, who was still laying flat on the ground.

"Oh, so this is about Reo then. I see." Nagi nodded and then shifted his attention back to his phone, disengaging from the conversation. "Isagi, I'm hungry." Hyo said. "Then you should've stopped to get something to eat." Isagi sighed as he watched Nagi's game play.

"I'm dying, y'know." Hyo said bluntly. He was just being dramatic, though. "Are you having a mental breakdown or something?" Isagi asked, which he only received a shrug in response.

"Why can't he just talk to me, Isagi?!" Hyo whined, shaking Isagi now as he suddenly sat up. "What can I do about it?" Isagi asked. "I don't know?!" Hyo sighed and laid flat back down on the ground.

"Is he okay?" Nagi questioned, gazing over at Isagi. "He's definitely not okay." Isagi responded. "I'm fine!" Hyo interrupted.

A/n: tysm for the amount of reads on this book?? 😭🫶🫶

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