Sodapop Curtis

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I went into the Curtis house one day and I saw everyone there except for Sodapop "Hey guys" They all look at me "Hey Y/n" Darry says "Where is Soda?" I ask as Darry looks at me "he is in his room...he has been really down lately but he ain't telling us why" He sighs and "I am gonna go talk to him" he nods

I knock on his bedroom door and hear sharp breaths through the door and my heart drops. "Soda?" I say softly as he opens the door "Oh hey Y/n" He says while wiping his tears so I wont notice and I look at him "What's wrong?" i ask as he sighs and lets me in his room and closes the door behind him 

We both sit on his bed and I look at him "What's bothering you Sodapop?" i ask grabbing his hand. He tries to get the words out to explain but just cries again and I hug him "It's alright, tell me when you're ready.." 

He looks up with his eyes red and puffy "S-Sandy cheated on me.." He says as my eyes widen, I always thought Sandy was a good kind soul, But I she also did hate me because me and Soda are good friends and where always close guess she was jealous "Why the hell would she do that?" I ask and he shrugs letting a few more tears slip "I-i don't know I never did anything but love care and always be there for her.."

I rub his arm "And I know you are such a good guy don't need someone like that. You deserve someone so much better" I say as he slowly stops crying "Thanks..." He smiles "You know Y/n....This is one of the million reasons why I have always loved you..." I look at him and smile 

"Really? You love me, Then why did you go out with Sandy?" He shrugs "I don't know I just felt something for her and had more of a crush on her but Y/n....your different then her I have loved you since I was 12 so when it comes to you it will always be special"

I smile and kiss him and he kisses me back "I am sorry if I acted like a asshole towards you when I was with Sandy, I know this sounds stupid but when I was with her I was a whole different I was controlled" I smile "It's alright, Don't worry about it" He smiles "No matter how hard life gets I still got you" He says pressing his forehead against mine and smile as we look into each others eyes

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