| 𝚂𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙰 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 | 😌

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Not a chapter.‼️

I, me, and myself. Who is being over the moon today, can't able to control my existed ass so, here i am, giving you all something 🌚

It's in 6th postion in top 10, when i saw it suddenly, literally my heart was going to come out, it was beating so hardly.

*itna hardly to veer se bhi thrust nahi kiya tha.

Nvm, so after this, story is gonna take another route, and personally i felt this was needed.

Then.. enjoy 🤭

I was in a deep sleep, when i felt something warm touching my entrance, it was so pleasuring, that even after my core being sore because of yesterday's event i am feeling like moaning loudly for it

I arched my back feeling that warm thing traveling from my sore hole to my clit, like Licking it. And in instant i felt something shape on my clit and my eyes flew open

Looking down i saw the most heavenly sight, but at the same time looking down i felt a strong shiver running through my spine and i said-

"Here, take this and don't show me your face until you complete the work.!!" A girl said throwing a bundle of cash towards the boy infornt of her.

That boy looked at those cash with greediness in his eyes, picking it up he replied smelling them

"Don't worry madam, tomorrow you will listen the news you want" and with this he walked out counting those cash.

Another man, who was watching everything silently finally opened his mouth as soon as that boy went

"Is this all, and you think he will not get to know about this.!?" He asked raising his eyebrows, that girl stood up from her place and walked towards that man, clicking her heels on the marbled floor

Bending till his face giving full view of her exposed chest to him, she raised his head with her finger tips

"And you think i will stop here, it's just the starting, many more are upto come" she said looking straight into his eyes, smirking.

He also smriked and lifted his hand, graping her waist he pulled her over his laps, going closer towards her lips he said

"You are playing with fire"

She also incircled her hands seductively around his neck and said before clashing her lips with his

"And i like to play with fire, and that's also when he is streaming hot like Veer Singh Rathore"


That's it 🤭

Not more now, and yes it's just the starting.

A lot is going to happen.

See you soon..

~your kia 🩵

~your kia 🩵

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