❤️ 30 ❤️

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Finally reached the 30th chapter successfully!!!!!!. Thank you for your support butterflies 🥰🥰🥰🥰. Let get into the chapter....

Third person pov

Jimin slowly marched inside the mansion which he despise very much and met with the person whom he wanted to avoid at any cost.
There was jungkook sitting in the couch with manspread holding a wine glass in his hand looking completely drunken. Jimin got angered but thought to ingnore him and was about to go to upstairs,

"It's not even been five days since you  went to your mother's home but you returned this early, why! did she chase you away from your home?" Jungkook asked smirking while sipping his wine, he now got up from the couch and came near jimin. Jimin scrunched his nose at disgusting smell of alcohol.

" There is a lot that needs to be changed in this house and to bring out the true self of many filthy people here. After that I will leave this mansion permanently" jimin said eyeing jungkook who is ranging with anger as he understood who the omega is indicating.

"Well, even I am not worried about it, why would you worry about it? How do you know that i left the house?. Are you stalking me?" Jimin asked , jungkook laughed sarcastically.

"That's all you know about me. I'm having my men all over the world. It's not difficult for me to know about you or your whereabouts but it none of your business."

"Yes, in few more days, that is, in another two months, I will bring to this world what your true self is and show you to this world what you have done to me, how many things you have done to me, how many times you have tried to kill me, and I will hand over everything to my mother with the evidence and will show your true colours to everyone!"

Jungkook laughed mockingly by hearing what jimin said.

"W-what you? Y-you!!!(*laughs*) few months ago, you made a vow to me in the same way that I can't even pluck a single string of your hair. But what happened? I pushed you off from the mountain and half killed you. But your fortunate that you fell into the water and survived if not You would have been dead by now. Do you think you can prove all the claims of yours towards me to your mother in just two months baby?"

"I have given my life to save my honor and self-respect that time , but I am not afraid of you. Now to save my life from you, I will prove everything to my mother and will bring out your true character. For which respect I gave my life on that day, that respect is now snatched away from me by your cheapest lie, I don't care about it now as it's already gone. And the only thing that is left in me is my life ,even if you want to kill me, I will not die before bringing your affair to the light of this world." Jimin stated in a venom dripping voice.

"Let's see..." Jungkook said nodding  sarcastically and continued drinking. With that Jimin left the place.

After two days
In jimin's room

Jimin is currently dialing a number hoping to get connected. To his goodness the call got connected


"Jimin?, What's up?. How are you?"

"I'm fine tae, what about you?"

"Yeah fine and what's the matter for your sudden call?"

"Why Will you let me call you only if there is something important? Otherwise, you won't?"

"No jimin not like that. Now you're married I thought you would be having so many responsibilities as a spouse omega to your alpha"

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