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I requested you for a kiss,

You planted it on my cheeks.

I took you by your waist,

And hugged you tight.

I felt your heat, you sighed,

I looked you in the eye.

I did not know what to do,

neither you,

I kissed on your head and cheeks,

I kissed your lips quickly.

You stood still, happily.

I was nervous,

I let you go.

But yesterday was the real magic.

 Yesterday's night was so special, so special! 

We did things I never thought we'd do.

 It made my head swirl, As I hugged and kissed you.

I kept hugging you by the waist, 

You looked me in the eyes, 

Then a long and exciting kiss. 

My heart received you.

Our first kiss,

Not so perfect but sweet.

But we did it again properly,

I hope my lips and my tongue tasted you sweetly,

As my arms welcomed you strongly.

Your gaze changed just like mine,

Radiant and bright.

I looked at you from the other room,

And a smile escaped you.

I called you again for our longest kiss,

Of last night. 

I hugged you tight and we did our first smooch,

I kissed your lips, 

I kissed your head,

I kissed your neck,

I kissed your belly.

I licked your chest, busts,

I licked your mouth from the inside.

My heart began throbbing harder,

As your lips rested on mine.

As you pulled me closer, So fine.

How hard I wished.

I could stay forever,

In your cozy arms,

And let go of you never. 

I felt your breath on my neck, 

That sent shivers across me.

My vision went blank black, 

And made my mind free.

The world seemed to cease at that moment,

The infinity was just us. 

This was the infinity greater than other infinities, 

All tensions torn apart was a happy you and me.

First kiss is like a drug, I'd heard people say.

I never really believe this,

Until the incredible yesterday.

I could not breathe,

Your lips invited me.

There we stood in the room,

Time stood still as I closed my eyes to lean forward,

A sensation of tingling shot through the soft lips, 

The sweet scent carried me as, 

Moist met moist.

Erection of every cell,

I was in love.

We touched each other apart,

We smiled.

It had begun,

Our first kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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