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The cultivators entered the Yashi and found a female figure elegantly sitting.

The female was looking about twenty years old but have the silver hairs. She was wearing plane white robes but gold patterns on the sleeves.Her face was pale in circular shape.

"What can I help you?" asked Wei wuxian as he don't know the maiden at all.

"You are Wei wuxian?" asked the Maiden as she stands up instead of replying.

"Yes... Iam!" replied Wei wuxian slightly being confused isn't she came to meet him.

"My name is Baoshan sanren!" exclaimed the Maiden.

The pairs of cultivators widen their eyes not believing their ears. Wei wuxian was shocked but immediately revealed from that as the hint of excitement can be see on his face.

"You are really my mother's Master" asked Wei wuxian hopefully.

"Mn" she nodded her head elegantly.

Wei wuxian didn't understand what he should do as he finally did meet someone from his family but the feeling was not that pleasing. He always wished to meet her at least once.

"Aren't you happy?" asked Baoshan sanren.

"No, no-" Wei wuxian didn't get to complete his sentence as he got pulled in a hug.

After few seconds Wei wuxian relaxed and hugged her back.

"My grandson is so grown up!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren caressing his cheeks.

"Grandson?" questioned Lan zhan because according to what he knows she is not Wei wuxian's grandmother.

"Cangse sanren was my daughter!" replied Baoshan sanren as people aren't aware of the fact about her daughter. Mostly everyone misunderstood them as master and disciple.

Wei wuxian hugged her again tightly atleast he have a family remaining.

Zhuiling and xicheng smiled fondly at the delightful moment. Jiang cheng was happy for his brother as finally his brother is getting all the things he deserves.

Lan zhan was also staring at the reunion but he was feeling nothing but uneasiness. He shook off his thoughts cause his Wei ying is finally meeting one last remaining member of his family so he should be happy right? But why he is not?

The grand mother and son duo pulled out of hug and stared at each other Wei wuxian wanted to speak but he was hesitating.

"Call me Zumu!" said Baoshan sanren.

"Hmm Zumu he is my husband
Lan zhan" said Wei wuxian going towards his husband.

Baoshan sanren shifted her gaze towards wangxian who was now standing while holding each others hands.

They all Bowed and introduced themselves.

"You are wuxian son! I even have a great grandson " exclaimed Baoshan sanren and patted Sizhui's head.

Jin ling stared at them with puppy eyes and got noticed by Baoshan sanren. She smiled and also patted his head.

After staying their for an hour xicheng make their way towards Hanshi to spend their precious time since they rarely got to spend any time together because Even tho they are married but both are sect leader and can't escape the responsibilities. Next year Jingyi and sizhui will become sect leaders and they will able to live together.

Lan sizhui and Jin ling stayed with Baoshan sanren as they were excited to spend time with their grandmother.

Lan jingyi and Ouyang zizhen was not aware of the fact about grandmother since Jingyi was with shi qingxuan and Zizhen take Le yang to play around.


"Wei ying " called Lan zhan.

"Hmm " replied Wei wuxian today he was super happy.

Lan zhan wanted to speak something but decided not to and simply hold Wei wuxian hand as they both walks towards Guest rooms to meet their guests.

Wei wuxian smiled and thought how much everything has changed once in his life he left with nothing but miseries and now he have a perfect life, a husband to die for, a lovely and very precious son, a shipper brother in law, an angry Lotus, two caring nephews, an admirable junior, a best friend not to mention a Uncle who is tempered but he knows that the old man care about him and now his Grandmother. He was beyond happy.

"Xuan jie I was coming to you" said Wei wuxian as he finds Shi qingxuan on the way.

"Oh...We were going to walk on back Mountain! Jingyi wanted to show me around " replied Shi qingxuan.

"That's good let's go there together! But where are your brothers?" exclaimed Wei wuxian.

"Um they remembered something important so they didn't come!" replied Shi qingxuan as her and Jingyi face turned Red.

Actually when Jingyi and the martial gods was in Guest rooms. He and Shi qingxuan was chatting peacefully then a loud thud sound comes from the room in which Feng xin and Mu qing was staying. After hearing the sound they decided to check upon them and went to their room but found the pair of Male laying on one another as they were kissing each other aggressively, didn't even notice the presence of them .

Jingyi and Shi qingxuan immediately leave from there and become silenced awakwardly until Jingyi come up with the idea to show her around.

"Oh okay then we shall go!" exclaimed Wei wuxian staring at their red faces like tomato wondering what happened to them.

Shi qingxuan nodded her head and they all leave from there.


Zumu_Grandmother in Chinese.

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now