The stalker knows how it feels to be stalked (Tyler suffers)

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Sierra POV:

I will avenge you Heather, and I will keep Cody and Noah safe...even though I don't like Noah he needs to be safe, Cody won't be able to live otherwise.I know who the killer is, but I don't have any proof of him doing anything wrong! that's the thing he is too perfect.I need to expose him for the evil skank he is.I didn't like him one bit when he first arrived and now I hate him! I need a plan...I just need to

Her thoughts were immediately stopped when she turned around the corner...She was grabbed by the throat and lifted up into mid air she immediately tried to fight back.But it was no use..Tan skinned hands were squeezing her throat to the point she would probably pass out until someone else decided to come check on them.It was Tyler.Wow such great timing.if only he came earlier.


Sierra:Tyler...? Just run you idiot...

???:Oh...? Looks like you followed me yet again Mi acechador

Tyler:Let go of her right now you...uh...

Sierra:Tyler please just run you buffoon.

???:Dont insult him.

Sierra:Why the fuck are you defending him you weirdo

Tyler:you shithead!

Sierra and ??? Looked at him in confusion and ??? Turned his face towards Tyler.

???:Okay, you are so GONE after I kill sierra

Tyler:Alejandro shut the fuck up!


Alejandro's hand pressed harder against sierra's neck slowly choking her again. Tyler ran up to them and tried to save sierra but was quickly pushed away and fell onto the ground.


Tyler:I will...


Sierra's colourful and happy face morphed into a sad,colourless mask with eyes that were shut..Alejandro dropped her body and moved towards Tyler with a menacing smile on his face.Tyler tried to shuffle away but Alejandro just got even closer before he grabbed Tyler by the hair and lifted him up on to his feet and kept his balled up fists on his hair making sure he couldn't escape whatsoever.

Alejandro:you're coming with me...whether you like it or not.

Tyler:No let go of me you cunt.I will kill you.

Alejandro:I don't think you will Mi querido.

Tyler: .

Alejandro:so you have no response to that?

Tyler:I fucking hate you.

Alejandro:I love you too mi esposo

They continued to walk to the cockpit of the plane. Once they got there, Alejandro pushed him in and locked the door behind them...He stepped forwards and noticed that Tyler didn't seem to be that scared of him, well...He would show him how scary he could be.He quickly grabbed Tyler once more and looked around for something to hold him there, he quickly found something to tie him up with, he began to tie Tyler up with an electric wire.It took a while because Tyler kept trying to kick him but he easily sorted that out by threatening to beat him to a pulp...

Alejandro:awww you're so cute while you're tied up mi amor...It's such a shame I couldn't do this to Heather...I mean no it's not really, I didn't care about her...Everything I did, was for you, it was all for you. I love you.

Tyler:You killed Lindsay because of your sick fucking obsession with me!? You're a freak you bastard!

Alejandro begins to laugh, but he quickly changed his expression to an empty emotionless one, his eyes were filled with nothing. He didn't care about who he just murdered all he wanted was...Tyler. That's who he wanted.He murdered for him and this is how he repaid him, he's so about to get punished for this.

Alejandro bent down and looked at Tyler dead in the eye and asked him.

Alejandro:Do you think I wanted to kill her?

Tyler in turn replied with a question for him.

Tyler:Do you regret killing her? I mean you should, I hate you. I hated you for what you did to her and to everybody else. Even Owen didn't deserve it.

Alejandro:no, I wanted her gone. I wanted owen gone. Owen is annoying and Lindsay's brain is the sized of a pea.Also, Heather liked Lindsay so there was no point in you being with her anyways, she probably cheated on you atleast once. But Tyler I would never do that to you, so just...Give in.


Tyler began to struggle against the binds in a frenzy to escape but was quickly stopped when Alejandro grabbed his face.

Alejandro:You have beautiful eyes, but...I don't think you need them anymore, I will be your eyes.

Alejandro put his thumbs against Tyler's eyes and began to poke them into his eyes causing Tyler to scream and cry, Tyler thrashed against him trying to get him off his face, Tyler wasn't scared of anything...but him...he scared him.He tried to kick him but Alejandro kept pressing his thumbs into his eyes.Alejandro began to dig his eyes out, he dug deeper and deeper and then finally. He dug his eyes out.All he felt Well a twisted sense of joy. Tyler was still screaming in pain, he wanted his eyes back. He needs his eyes to do sports after all, an eyeless jock isn't useful to anyone.His empty sockets poured out blood and tears, his lips trembled.his whole body was shaking.And all he could do is move and hear. But that changed when he passed out.Alejandro got up and put Tyler's crushed up eye balls in his mouth and chewed on them,sucking out the juices and swallowing them.

Alejandro:you poor thing...But I needed food...don't take this personally mi amor.

Alejandro left the cockpit and shut the door hoping no one saw him, he had a plan. And he needed to act fast. Everyone suspects him so why not just throw everyone off the plane one by one...and he'll start off with the twink lovers...Cody and Noah will be gone. And the rest of them will be aswell. And No one will be able stop him... That's if anybody tries to go against him, Tyler will probably try to escape so he better go check on him in a bit but first he walked towards Cody and Noah who were having a good conversation.

Noah:Not you again. What do you want?

Alejandro:well i'd like it if you and Cody would maybe follow me?

Cody:Noah this seems like a bad idea if you say yes...

Noah:Cody trust me, I know what he's up to.


Noah:Okay, but could I get something first?


Noah runs to the elimination area where Lindsay died and found 24 bags. He took 2 for him and Cody and ran back to find that nothing had happened and he put the bag on and told Cody to put one on and he reluctantly agreed, Noah moved closer to Cody and put his mouth to Cody's ear.

Noah:Pull the string when he pushes us...

Cody nods agreeing to what he said, they turned to face Alejandro and they got up.and followed him to door of the plane,Alejandro opened the door and pushed Noah and Cody out,They fell quite quickly so he couldn't see that Noah and Cody pulled the string of their bags and had parachutes in them.

If you think Alejandro is stupid well he's not, the plane was in the middle of the ocean, the next island was 15 minutes away, and not everyone can swim that long even though they had parachutes, the bag would just weigh them down and it'd take less time for them to drown.

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