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Welcome to my silly corner of the internet :) I am a chronic shipper so I decided to make this book! This is inspired by '75 Wings of Fire pairings' on AO3.
It's a sort of collection of tiny little mini stories I will update often. By mini stories I mean like, shorter than a oneshot. Like a couple paragraphs or less per ship.

I will not be taking requests. I basically just do whatever random ideas I have. I won't do ships I actively dislike unless I have like a really amazing idea. I won't do incest, p*do stuff, ect or anything else gross like that under any circumstances.

This book will include rarepairs! A lot of people here gag and throw a tantrum at the sight of them, so if you do that, you're annoying. I will block any haters.
(If you don't know, a rarepair is a super unpopular ship. They may be unpopular due to the characters in it being very minor, or already involved in canon/popular ship, or not have interacted much, ect)

Have fun reading!

Birb's ship scribbles (WoF)Where stories live. Discover now