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A/n: Guys, I want your honest opinions.

Bachisagi or Saesagi ?

This is a random question to make the A/n useful. (There will be more questions like this.)

Also wattpad doesn't like me rn, so my writing style might be inconsistent throughout these chapters 😭.






School ended, and many would be overjoyed to get back to their dorms and rest. Well, that would be the case if Isagi didn't have someone nagging him.

"Isagi! Please! I don't wanna stay in my dorm." Hyo pleaded, clinging onto Isagi's arm as Isagi had to drag a person way taller than him. Nagi was just trailing behind the 2 on his phone.

"No. I seriously don't want to switch dorms unless you just want to sleep on the couch in our dorm?" Isagi suggested as he pulled Hyo up to his feet so he could walk himself. "Ah, that would work!" Hyo nodded.

"So we have an extra roommate for the night?" Nagi asked from behind the 2. Isagi looked back at Nagi with a small nod, so Nagi nodded back. "Is it that hard to apologize?" Isagi questioned, turning his attention back on Hyo.

"Yes and no." Hyo shrugged. "Yes and no? What does that mean?" Isagi sighed as they had reached Isagi's and Nagi's dorm, opening the door and walking inside. Nagi shut the door behind them.

"Well, yes, it is easy to apologize, but no, as in it's hard to get Reo to listen to me." Hyo explained as he laid down on the couch. "I don't think he has me friended on Instagram anymore." Hyo chuckled awkwardly.

"Your argument is that bad?" Nagi asked curiously. He's never cared to get too in-depth about people's situations, so he never really asked Reo. "It was just a small disagreement." Hyo said. "Totally." Isagi interrupted, his tone of voice filled with sarcasm.

"It was!" Hyo whined as he sat up on the couch to see Isagi in the kitchen. "Well, what was the argument even about?" Nagi questioned as he placed his phone down and sat on the floor. "Well... he was a little mad about the fact that I decided to hang out with Haven." Hyo explained as he thought back to the situation.

"A 'little' mad?" Isagi asked as he walked out of the kitchen and had a glass of water and walked over to Nagi and Hyo. "Is she into you?" Nagi asked, but he only received a shrug in response.

"Wow, and you called me oblivious." Isagi said bluntly as he pulled his phone out. "Well, you were." Hyo reminded him. Which, he wasn't wrong in a way. "Well, have fun. I'm leaving for a while." Isagi said as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

"Where are you going?" Nagi asked as he looked in Isagi's direction. "Not sure, I'm just bored." Isagi responded as he slipped his shoes on and walked out the dorm.

Isagi had no idea why he wanted to leave. He just did. Sighing as he placed his hand in his pocket and painfully walked down a long flight of stairs that he knew, he would have to walk back up when he would return to the dormitory.

It was rather refreshing to be by himself once in a while. He just hopes he doesn't bump into someone he doesn't want to. He unfortunately has a habit of doing so. Though, as he walked past the school gate, he happened to catch a glimpse of a familiar red-haired person.

Isagi halted in his steps, being rather curious about what they were doing. So he decided to go ask. "Chigiri. What are you doing?" Isagi asked as he walked up behind him. Chigiri, on the other hand, turned to look at Isagi.

"Oh, hello. I was actually just waiting for Bachira, we had soccer practice, but it seemed as though Bachira had gotten distracted by a shop of some sort and ran off." Chigiri explained. He wasn't mad, though. He was used to this by now.

"I can believe that. It sounds like something he would do." Isagi nodded with a shrug. "Oh, also. Are you, Hyo, Rin, and Nagi free tomorrow? Me and Reo wanted to hang out with everyone for the day, and Reo brought tickets to an amusement park." Chigiri explained.

"Oh. I'm free. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'll ask and let you know who can make it." Isagi nodded. It's been a while since he's been to an amusement park. "Alright, great." Chigiri nodded, a small smile visible on his face.

"Ah, Isagi, Isagi!" Bachira exclaimed as he ran over to the two. He somewhat surprised Isagi. "Hi Bachira." He smiled and waved. "Where in the world did you even run off too?" Chigiri questioned as he looked at Bachira.

"Well... a bakery, because there was this really good-looking dessert, it turns out that it was sold out. So it was a waste of time." Bachira chuckled, amused with himself. "Oh." Was all Chigiri had responded with.

"Anyway! What brings you here, Isagi?" Bachira asked and looked over at Isagi. "I was just walking around, doing nothing specific anyway." Isagi explained with a shrug. "Oh~" Bachira hummed.

"Well, it was nice to see you, Isagi! I'm going to my dorm now. Bye Chigiri!" Bachira waved and quickly ran off. "So... I waited for him, for nothing? What a ball of energy." Chigiri sighed. "To be expected." Isagi shrugged.

"Can I walk you back to your dorm, Isagi?" Chigiri asked as he turned to look at Isagi.







A/n: reohyo, hyohaven or hyosagi? 😋

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