Prologue: Green Thumb

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A young man was working in a flower shop, the sun had set hours ago, and he was doing a last sweep, watering all the plants, while whistling a tune himself, before hearing a loud crash
"Mum, is that you?"
He begins walking towards the back room
"Did you knock over another plant again?"
He stops for a moment, the silence causing him to become uneasy, before hearing a loud bang
He runs over to the back room, seeing a figure in a ski mask, holding a smoking gun, and a woman laying on the floor
Tears welled up in his eyes, as the figure backs away
"I didn't mean to-"
The figure trips over large vine, coming from the small potted plant, that lays broken on the floor, the roots of the plant seeming to have grown greatly
"What the hell?"
The figure looks at the plant in shock, as smaller vines come from the young man's shoes, connecting to the larger vines through the dirt on the floor, as the sadness continues to grow inside of him, the vines begin to crush the intruder, strangling him in a tight cocoon of roots, as the intruder's last breath escaped his lungs, his back broke with a sudden crack, making the young man look back in surprise
The young man stops coddling the body of his mother, looking at the intruder
"Did I-"
He stumbles in surprise, before hearing sirens approaching, after a while, a police officer rushes in, seeing the two corpses on the floor
"What'd you do sonny?"
The young man quickly grabs his jacket from the nearby desk, and runs to the window, jumping out, and running as fast as he can, as he hears the sound of sirens grow closer, eventually, he reaches far enough into the forest where the sirens can no longer follow, he stops for a moment to catch his breath, looking down at his hands, covered in blood
"Oh God-"
He looks at himself in shock, he walks slowly, finding a lake, the dim moon light reflecting off of it, causing a faint glimmer, he kneels down, putting his hands slowly into the water, the blood slowly washing away, he rubs his fingers against the palms of his hands to clean the drying blood, after washing the blood off of his hands, he stands up, his legs shaking, as he makes his way, for hours, to the other end of the forest, seeing a town on the other side, just a short walk away from him, he stops, too tired, and too sore, to continue, he lays down against a tree, using his jacket as a blanket, as he slowly falls asleep, he dreams of his mother, and of the odd event involving the vines, he's suddenly woken up, the sun now baring down on him, a soft, southern voice speaks to him
"Hey, you okay there?"
He looks up, a woman, with chocolate brown eyes, long purplish red hair, shaven on both sides, wearing a large winter jacket, kneels down to him
"You need some help there?"
He looks up, rubbing his eyes, and reaching out his hand
"My legs, are pretty numb, mind helping me up?"
The woman smirks at him, helping him to stand up, he puts in his jacket, a cozy, warm, blue and brown wool jacket, with a faint floral pattern weaved into it
"You got a name there stranger?"
"Jay, Mcorick, Jay Mcorick, and you?"
"I'm Cassidy, nice to meet ya"
They walked off into the nearby town, having a conversation about their situation

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