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THE QUIDDITCH MATCH WENT HORRIBLY, Cassie just stood there by the microphone, panicking everytime Lee told her to say something

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THE QUIDDITCH MATCH WENT HORRIBLY, Cassie just stood there by the microphone, panicking everytime Lee told her to say something. So, Lee just made her sit there and look pretty, and his exact words were, 'Just sit there looking pretty, you'll have no problem doing that', and Cassie was as red as a tomato as she shrunk in her seat. Lee laughed, before continuing to announce what was going on.

It was going good - Gryffindor were winning. Keyword: Were. Despite the pouring rain, the Gryffindor team still tried the hardest, as did the Hufflepuffs.

They were going to win if they kept it up.

But, all good things come to an end.

Cassie gasped in horror, watching Harry fall off his broom and the broom go flying away from everyone. There was no way he'd be able to survive the fall. Cassie sprung to her seat, "Arresto Momentum!" She said loudly, jumping when she heard her voice from the microphone. She forgot she was by a microphone.

Harry landed softly on the ground. Dumbledore rushed down to him, waving his wand to shoot a silvery light at the dementors, pushing them all away. He waved his wand to magic Harry onto a stretcher to carry him to the hospital wing.

"Is he dead?" Lee asked no one in particular as the duo joined the Gryffindor team on the pitch. "He's breathing, right?"

Callie walked over to Cassie, watching her bite the dry skin off her lips. "He'll be okay, Cass," she said, though she couldn't help but feel anxious, too. "You saved his life."

Cassie gave her twin a tight-lipped smile, before Azalea approached them with a smirk. "It's such a shame," she said. "You should've just let him fall to his death instead."

The twins stared at her. Cassie and Callie could feel the anger in them rising.

Azalea kept going on. Cassie couldn't hear her, her hair was starting to turn a bright red. Callie stepped away from Cassie, eyeing her worriedly. Fred, Lee, George, Ron and Hermione joined Callie.

Azalea brought up their dad.

That's when Callie lost it. She brung her first back, before punching Azalea in the face full force. "Mention him one more time, and see what happens." Callie said sharply, trying to shrug George's arms off her as he pulled her away from Azalea.

"He left us, get over it!" Azalea exclaimed, before Rowan approached the group. He went to talk to Lee, but stopped in his tracks when he heard Azalea's voice, "Ah, there's the mutt! I was wondering —"

Cassie's eyes narrowed, and by now her hair was the brightest shade of red anyone had ever seen. Before she knew it, she was on top of Azalea, punching her. Azalea was fighting back, but she was struggling. When Cassie was mad, nobody could win a fight against her.

"CASSIE!" Rowan was yelling, his eyes wide as he tried to get his sister off his other sister. It didn't work.

Fred wrapped both of his arms around her, struggling to pull the young girl off Azalea. It was a struggle, but he managed.

And then, shocking everyone, Cassie screamed, "You should've been the one that disappeared out of our lives, not dad!"

"What is the going on?" Professor Sprout asked, coming towards the group. "Cassie, oh, dear, look at your hands and your face — let's get you to the hospital wing."


PROFESSOR SPROUT REQUESTED CASSIE WALKED WITH ONLY THE WOMAN to the hospital wing. She felt if there was loads of them, Cassie wouldn't tell the woman how she felt. Professor Sprout was one of Cassie's favourite teachers, and Cassie often spoke to her about anything and everything.

"I was just angry — I don't know what happened," Cassie was saying, as they neared the hospital wing. "I don't know how I don't remember. I just... All I could see was red."

"That's understandable, Cassie," Pamona was saying, "Your sister have been giving you and the rest of your family hell since you guys came to the school — it's all the built up annoyance and anger from the past few years. Now, I hope you understand I will have to give the three of you a detention. I'll do Azalea on a different day to you and Callie."

Cassie grinned, "Will there be chocolate in detention?"

Pamona chuckled, "You know it!"

She opened the door to the hospital wing, and when Poppy spotted Cassie, she sighed. "Honestly, I see you and Mr. Potter more than anyone. What is it this time?"

Pamona gave Cassie a look, making the blonde purse her lips and look away. Immediately, she spotted Harry laying on a hospital bed, surrounded by all of his friends. They must've got there just after Cassie and Pamona did, and snuck in.

"She got into a fight," Pamona said.

Poppy gasped, "A fight?" She said, "You're not tricking me, are you? Cassie, in a fight? I can't imagine it... With who?"

"Azalea," Cassie spoke bitterly.

"Oh," Poppy said, "That explains it. Take a seat, I'll get you cleaned up in no time. I'll see you later, Pamona."

Once she was cleaned up, Poppy made the girl stay in the bed, and Lee approached the bed, taking a seat. "That was badass!" He exclaimed, making Cassie jump. She was not expecting him to approach her.

"Uh, thanks?"

"Honestly, she had it coming," Lee said, "All of the Slytherin's are bad, but she is one of the worst."

"They're not all bad," Cassie stated, rolling her eyes. "Unfortunately, all the good ones were before we came here."

Lee sighed, "I'm proud of you."

"For what?" Cassie snorted, "Fighting my sister? That's nothing to be proud of. She's my sister, she is my family... Harry's awake, if you want to go see him."

Lee looked behind him to see them all fussing over Harry. He was debating, he wanted to stay with Cassie, but he wanted to see Harry.

"Let's move you to the bed next to him," Lee said, helping her walk to the bed, even though she didn't need help.

"We lost by a hundred points."

"Right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin..."

"Hufflepuff'll have to lose by at least two hundred points," said George.

"But if they beat Ravenclaw..."

"No way, Ravenclaw is too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff..."

"It all depends on the points -- a margin of a hundred either way --"

"This Quidditch talk is giving me a headache," Harry interrupted, rubbing his temples. His eyes scanned everyone that was there, "Where is Oliver?"

"Drowning himself," Callie deadpanned.

"No," Fred mumbled, "We think he's trying to drown himself,"

A/N: I love Cassie and Lee so much in this chapter.
QOTD: what is your favourite movie genre?
AOTD: disney & musical!

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