The other half of her soul

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A\N: I have just found out about the death of Adan Canto and I am heartbroken for his family, friends, all his co-stars and fans. So I'm doing a death fic with a dead Aaron and grieving Emily. I hope you enjoy this Angels.

She's not spoken since she was carried out of his hospital room by Seth and Kirkman, kicking and screaming. That was three weeks ago. She's had people in and out of her condo everyday. Seth, Kendra, Kirkman and Penny have all been by everyday, Penny has been curled up with her in her bed, crying with her. Leo, Mike and everyone else in the White House have all texted her but she turned off her phone but she turned it off two days after his funeral.

It's only been three weeks and already she doesn't think she can survive much longer without him. She's wearing one of his shirts and panties. The smell of him has already almost faded completely from this shirt.

Tears course down her face as another day without Aaron Shore goes by. She looks at the photo of him that is on her nightstand:

It's the one she took of him sleeping on the couch in his office a few weeks before his..death. 

She smiles as she slips into Aaron's office. Her boyfriend is asleep on his couch, his suit jacket is on the back of his leather office chair, his shoes are across the room, his tie is loosened, his perfectly styled hair is tousled and a small smile is on his face, the early morning DC sunlight is streaming through his windows, covering him in rays of gold light. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

She closes the door silently so she doesn't wake him up. He's not slept properly in days. She walks up to his couch and grabs the blanket he has on the back for when she falls asleep on the couch. But before he drapes it over him, she takes her phone and snaps a photo of him before she lays the blanket over him, kissing his parted lips gently. "I love you, Aaron Shore." She whispers as she runs her fingers through his hair and leaves his office with a smile on her face.

Emily sniffles as she looks away from his sleeping face, knowing it's the only way she'll see his sleeping face again.

She sits up and looks out of the window. She feels like her heart has been ripped open and now there is just a gaping hole inside of her where her heart should be.

The sun is high in the sky, the cloud is blue without a cloud, the complete opposite of who she's feeling. She sighs as tears fall down her face, it feels like all she's been doing since he died in her arms three weeks ago is crying which is entirely true but she's sick and tired of crying over someone she can't bring back from the dead.

She runs into the Emergency Room, Seth, Kendra, Kirkman and Mike on her heels. Her heart is thudding inside her chest. She remembers getting the call about Aaron while in a meeting, her phone falling from her fingers as she fell to her knees, a scream falling from her mouth.

"Aaron Shore's status!" She demands of a nurse as tears run down her face. She's praying to God that he isn't gone yet. The nurse quickly starts typing on the computer. "Mr Shore is in ICU, in critical condition. He was brought in after a head on collision with a drunk driver. I'm sorry Ms Rhodes, it doesn't look like he'll make it through the night." She feels the blood drain from her already pale face. Seth and Kirkman put a hand on each of her shoulders.

"Isn't there anything you can do?" She begs the nurse and tears still continue to stream down her cheeks. The nurse looks at her sadly as she shakes her head. "I'm sorry Ms Rhodes, we can't do anything except make him comfortable." Emily just nods her head as her legs give way, Seth and Kirkman catching her and holding her up just as she crashes to the floor.

The nurse leads the five of them to the ICU to see Aaron.

Emily can hardly look at the love of her life but she does look at him: he's not the man she kissed just two hours ago. Aaron is laying flat on his back wearing a hospital gown, cuts, scratches and bruises littering his handsome face. She holds his hand in hers. "Please pull through this, Aaron, I need you to survive. You're so strong, Aaron Shore, you can get through anything, including this car accident. I love you, Aaron, I've always loved you." She says as her voice thickens. This man laying in the bed has been a constant in her life the past decade and she doesn't know how to survive without him, even when they were friends and fighting with each other, he was always in her life. 

"Aaron, we all love you so much, so please don't give up, please." She begs him.

The sound of the love of her life flat lining in front of her makes her stand up in the chair she's been sitting in.

"Aaron!" She shouts as she tightens her grip on his hand. Aaron's hospital room is full of doctors and nurses trying to revive the love of her life.

"Time of death 10:30 pm." A nurse calls out. "NO!" Emily screams as Seth and Kirkman come in and grab her by her waist. They carry her out of Aaron's room, kicking and screaming.

"No, let me go!" Emily screams as she fights in their grip, beyond caring about appearances.


She hasn't spoken since she yelled his name as she was carried out by the President of the United States of America which doesn't bother her: there's one person she wants to talk to and he's dead so what's the point of talking when the only person she wants to talk to isn't alive to listen and talk back to her? She misses his voice, she misses listening to him as he spoke to her in Spanish. She'll always remember the first time he spoke to her in Spanish. 

"Te amo Emily Rhodes." Aaron says as he wraps an arm around her naked shoulder. She looks up at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What does that mean?" She asks him as she strokes his cheek with the hand that isn't interlaced with his other one.

"It means I love you, Emily Rhodes." Aaron says softly. Emily gasps as those words leave his mouth. She knows he loves her, he shows her everyday that he does and she loves him.

"I...I love you too, Aaron Shore." She whispers, kissing his lips softly. 

Emily picks up the photo of him sleeping and allows two tears to fall onto the picture.

"Te amo, Aaron Shore." She says. It's the first four words she's said in three weeks and it's to the photo version of him but she doesn't care.

The sun catches the ring that's on her nightstand, she's not closed the box since she opened it in the ER after Aaron's death. She places the photo beside her and picks up the ring box, the diamond glittering in the sunlight.

The tears haven't stopped falling since she was carried out of Aaron's room. Kendra and Seth both have arms around her shoulders and all of them are watching as Mike guards Aaron's room while Kirkman is on the phone. A doctor's footsteps are heard coming down the hallway.

"Ms Rhodes." A brown haired man stands in front of the trio of White House employees, looking at Emily.

"Mr Shore had this in his hand when he was brought in." The doctor hands her a black box. She gasps as she holds it, her fingers curling around the velvet box, unable to open it in the presence of the doctor.

Once the doctor leaves, Emily opens the box. In the middle of the box, lies a silver diamond ring. She lifts the ring out off the box and reads the engraved message on the inside of the thin band:

Te amare por siempre Emily Rhodes.

She quickly puts the ring back in the box but doesn't close the box as she leans against Seth.

"Te amo, Aaron Shore." She says through her tears. 

She's never put the ring on her finger: she always hoped to have him propose to her instead of having a doctor give her a ring that her boyfriend had held as he was slowly dying. She takes a deep breath as she takes the ring out of the box, picturing Aaron putting the ring on her finger as she does it herself. The ring fits onto her finger like it was made for her, which it most likely was.

"I will wear this for the rest of my life because you're the only man enfermo amo, Aaron Shore." Emily Rhodes says to herself as she gets out of bed to get ready for work.

She may have lost the physical part of her soul but she's never lost the inanimate parts of her soul. 

A\N: I know this is short and a mess but I hope you Angels will enjoy it nonetheless.


Te amo Emily Rhodes: I love you, Emily Rhodes.

Te amare por siempre Emily Rhodes: I will love you forever Emily Rhodes.

enfermo amo, Aaron Shore: The only man I'll ever love, Aaron Shore

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