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CASSIE SPENT THE WEEKEND DOING HOSPITAL TRIP AFTER HOSPITAL TRIP due to her inability to stay uninjured, she even done her detention ( which was Callie and Cassie gossiping with Professor Sprout, eating chocolate and helping her mark the herbology...

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CASSIE SPENT THE WEEKEND DOING HOSPITAL TRIP AFTER HOSPITAL TRIP due to her inability to stay uninjured, she even done her detention ( which was Callie and Cassie gossiping with Professor Sprout, eating chocolate and helping her mark the herbology essays ). Ever since the fight between Azalea and Cassie, Azalea had slightly calmed down and stopped being as mean, but Cassie knew it was only a matter of time before she started again.

Cassie was right. On the following Monday, she was making her way to DADA, when she saw Azalea approaching her.

"I'd watch your back," Azalea smirked, "I told a few of my friends what happened, and they're not the most... forgiving. You should be lucky I didn't curse you then and there."

Cassie just stared at Azalea. The older Smith nudged the younger Smith, before walking off. Cassie frowned, entering DADA, taking her seat next to Harry. It seemed she was the last one to enter the class, and they were all waiting on her.

As soon as Cassie sat in her seat, she caught Remus' eye. He frowned, before clearing his throat. "So... What did you learn last lesson with Professor Snape?"

"Absolutely nothing!"
"He's a knob!"
"Language, guys!"
"Fuck off, 'Mione!"
"Yeah, fuck off, Hermione!"
"Honestly Cal, you're a bad influence on Ronald!"

"Uh, guys," Harry said as Cassie nudged Callie's seat with her foot. "Lupin's looking right at you guys." Luckily everyone else was still shouting complaints, so they weren't that loud.

"It's fine," Callie said, "He was like this with his mates when he was younger, therefore he can't tell us off otherwise it'd be hypocritical."

"He was only filling in, why should he give us homework?" Cassie spoke up, earning nods of agreement from most people in the room - just not Hermione, she seemed to love homework.

"We don't know anything about werewolves --" Bem was in the middle of saying.

"-- two rolls of parchment!" Seamus exclaimed.

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Remus asked, frowning slightly. Cassie and Callie understood why, they were nowhere near the werewolf chapter of their work. Snape was trying to get them to figure it out so they could complain and get him fired.

They all started complaining again. Cassie sighed, laying her head down on her desk, ignoring Harry's curious eyes.

"Yes, but he said we were really behind --" Dean said.

"-- he wouldn't listen, when does he ever though, let's be honest here --" Callie stated, ignoring a chuckle from Remus.

"-- two rolls of parchment!" Seamus repeated.

Professor Lupin smiled at the look that was on all of the students' faces. "Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape. You don't have to do the essay."

"Oh no," said Hermione, looking very disappointed. "I've already finished it!"

Callie looked at Hermione, "Do you ever have anything better to do?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows at her best friend.

"Not really, no," Hermione shrugged. Remus sighed, rubbing his temples. This was going to be one long lesson. Enjoyable, but long. He couldn't look at Cassie without feeling guilt, which was making it harder for him to teach.

He had brought along a glass box containing a Hinkypunk, which was a small one-legged creature who looked as though he were made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless looking. Cassie was fascinated by them.

"Lures travelers into bogs," said Remus as they took notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead -- people follow the light -- then --"

The Hinkypunk made a horrible squelching noise against the glass. Cassie flinched, not expecting the noise to happen.

Not long after, the bell rang, and Cassie gathered her things, before rushing out of the classroom. Callie rushed to catch up with her, grabbing her hand and dragging her back to the classroom, where Hermione and Ron were stood.

"What?" Cassie asked, "You're all looking at me weirdly, I don't like it."

"So," Callie smirked.

Cassie didn't need her to say anything else. She shook her head. "Absolutely not! I am not having this conversation with you right now."

"Right now?" Callie tilted her head, "Okay, we'll have it later, then."

"No," Cassie shook her head rapidly. "Not happening, thank you very much... What is this conversation about?"

"Harry," the three friends spoke simultaneously.

"Yeah, definitely not." Cassie said, her face having a light pink tint and the ends of her hair starting to go pink.

"You're blushing," Hermione pointed out.

"No," and with that, Cassie walked off, her hair going a full pink before she turned the corner.

"Oh, she so likes him," Ron muttered.

"Who likes who?" Harry asked, appearing at the side of them with Remus following behind him.

"Cassie likes Cedric," Callie said, not missing the way Harry's face slightly fell. Hermione and Ron seemed to miss it. Remus gave Callie a knowing look, making the girl smirk.


CASSIE GROANED AS SHE THREW her piece of parchment in the bin. She was currently in the library, writing down her feelings into a poem, but the poem wasn't perfect enough for her. There was something about the poem that didn't seem right. Sighing to herself, she grabbed a new piece of parchment.

Ugly. Annoying. Stupid. Crybaby. Weak.

She wrote down all the words she heard people say about her behind her back, and then she ripped it up and threw it. She decided on writing a letter to her mum instead.

Hi, Mum. Sorry I haven't wrote a letter yet. This year is incredibly hard. It was my first Hogsmeade trip and I spent it with Aurora and her friends, because Callie decided to stay behind with Harry as Harry's aunt and uncle didn't sign his form. Dementors are protecting the school grounds, but they're not doing a good job as Sirius Black had already broken into the school. Nobody was hurt, don't worry.
I think something is off about the whole Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew situation, it just doesn't seem right to me! I'm now a Quidditch commentator with Lee Jordan, Professor McGonagall thinks it will help lift my self esteem and get me out of my shell. It's working, I've been answering questions in class, and I've stood up for myself once.
OH I ALSO RODE A HIPPOGRIFF so that was fun. I rode it with Harry Potter, Callie's friend. It was really scary at first because I hate heights, but Harry made me open my eyes. The view was amazing! I've made a few friends this year, though I'm not too sure if they'd call me their friend. Hermione, Ron and Harry. I talk to Harry the most, but the other two are nice.
My favourite part of the school year so far was definitely the hippogriff. I thought I was going to fall off, but Harry made sure I stayed on there the entire time. He's the nicest person. He fell off his broom during the Quidditch match because of the dementors, and I saved his life. It was like a 50ft drop, Dumbledore was sitting there doing nothing, so I had to save him. I'm not complaining though.
Oh, and Dad is here too.

A/N: 1, I hate Azalea so much. 2, I'm currently listening to 'I've never had chocolate like this', and 3, Cassie is so in love already, Harry even more-so!!! Also, follow my insta and TikTok mooneysprongs. I've also got no more drafts after this so I need to write more!
QOTD: what is your favourite milkshake flavour?
AOTD: chocolate, i just love anything chocolate!

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