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THE LAST WEEKEND OF TERM WAS COMING UP, and the Smith's were told to stay at Hogwarts this year for Christmas, which confused Cassie greatly

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THE LAST WEEKEND OF TERM WAS COMING UP, and the Smith's were told to stay at Hogwarts this year for Christmas, which confused Cassie greatly. She hadn't even had a response off her mum, which was really confusing. Francesca loved hearing about Hogwarts.

This Hogsmeade trip, Cassie decided to stay with Harry, after an argument with Callie. Callie wanted to stay, but considering Cassie had already been and Callie haven't, she was adamant.

So, Cassie and Harry were sat by a window in the castle, playing a game of rock, paper, scissors — Cassie's choice.

"Rock, paper, scissors, Go."

Cassie frowned as Harry beat her, again. "That is so unfair!" She exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows as she sulked. "I'm not playing anymore."

Harry laughed slightly, shaking his head. "Come on," he said, standing up and grabbing Cassie's hand. "We're going to the kitchens."

"Oh, yay!" Cassie exclaimed, letting Harry pull her to the kitchens. "I am really fancying a hot chocolate right now."

"Same," Harry said, smiling as they came to a stop outside the kitchens. They were both unaware that they were still holding hands; They fit so perfectly that it just felt natural to hold them. Harry tickled the pear with his free hand, dragging Cassie into the kitchens before a Professor spotted them.

"Master and Mistress!" said a house elf.

"Hello, Pinkie," Harry greeted with a grin, dropping Cassie's hand from his own, a light pink dancing across his cheeks. Cassie and Harry both ignored the feeling of emptiness in their hand, they both ignored the way they wanted to reach out and grab their hands again.

"What can Pinkie get for you, Master!"

"Two hot chocolates, please." Harry said, "Extra whipped cream on top of both."

"Anything for the kind master and sweet mistress!" Pinkie disappeared.

Cassie looked at Harry, ignoring the way her heart pounded as she saw he was already looking at her, with a small smile on his face.

Harry pursed his lips, "You're a metamorphmagus, right?" He asked, "Are you able to change yourself to look like me?"

Cassie shrugged, "I've never tried it with people before!" She exclaimed, "I'm trying to train myself so I can control it, sometimes I can control it, sometimes I can't. I can't control it if I've just woken up, or I'm extremely happy, sad, angry, annoyed, or whatever feeling I may feel."

Cassie focussed, she closed her eyes. She pictured her features turning into Harry's features, before she fully looked like him.

"Woah," he said, eyes wide as he admired the girl in front of him. "That's so cool! Is that really what my hair looks like?"

"Yeah," Cassie answered, "It doesn't look bad, it's a nice messy, y'know?"


THE DUO WERE WALKING IN THE HALLS after their hot chocolates, just talking about random things that Cassie would bring up into conversation. Harry loved listening to her voice; It was soft, it reminded him of rain hitting the window at night.

"Psst," they heard a whisper, making their heads snap in the direction it came from. Fred and George were peering out from behind a statue of a humpbacked, one eyed witch.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, eyebrows furrowing. "Why aren't you guys in Hogsmeade yet?"

Fred gestured for them both to follow them into an empty classroom, which they did so. As soon as they got in, George closed the door. "We have an early Christmas present for you, Harry."  He said as he leaned against the door, "This, Harry, is the secret to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me," Fred stated, passing the piece of parchment to Harry, "But your needs are greater than ours." George came up to them, "If you will..."

George tapped it with his wand, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Thin ink lines began to spread like a spider's web from the point that George's wand had touched. They joined each other, they made all different shapes; then words began to blossom across the top, great, curly green words, that read:

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map.

Moony. Cassie's eyes widened, she always remembered how Remus spoke about a map, his friends and their nicknames. This was the map.

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the marauders map," Harry read aloud.

George smiled, "We owe them so much!"

"Hang on, this is Hogwarts." Harry said, "Is that... No. Is that really?"

Cassie stood on her tip toes, placing her chin on Harry's shoulder as she stared at the map with eyes full of wonder.


"— in his study—"


"Does that a lot," George finished. Cassie stared at the twins with a grin.

"So, you mean this map shows—?"

"Everyone," Fred interrupted, giving Harry a nod.

"Everyone?" Harry repeated.

"Everyone," George confirmed.

"Where they are—"

"— What they're doing—"

"— Every minute—"

"— of every day!" George was excited as he was handing the map to Harry. Cassie would be devastated if she had to give up a map as good as this.

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed happily. "Where'd you get it?"

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year." Fred said as if it were obvious, he gave a small roll of his eyes, jokingly of course.

"Now, listen." George said, "There are seven secret passageways out of the castle. We'd recommend this one." He pointed to a place on the map.

"The One-Eyed Witch passageway." Fred told Harry and Cassie.

"It'll lead you straight to Honeyduke's cellar." George informed them as Harry looked at Cassie, who was admiring the map.

"We best hurry." Fred said, sighing. "Filch is heading this way."

The twins smirked at Harry who was staring at Cassie with a look of adoration on his face.

"This is so cool," Cassie said in amazement, taking the map and looking for her name. "Look — I can see us!"

"Oh, and, don't forget." George said, before they turned to leave. "When you're done, just give it a tap and say mischief managed."

"Otherwise anyone can read it," Fred said, ruffling Cassie's hair as they disappeared out of their sight. Cassie sighed, fixing her hair.

"This is cool, isn't it?" Cassie said to Harry, "Look, they said this passageway, and there's no teachers so we best go now."

A/N: This is kinda cute??? I think??? Anyways, I wrote this half asleep so it is not the best chapter at all, but it's whatever. Fred and George are iconic, I love them. Them playing rock paper scissors was so cute, and then them holding hands was even cuter.
QOTD: sometime in this chapter is when harry realised he liked cassie, can you figure out where it was?
AOTD: ofc i can, i wrote it!

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