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_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

Another morning. Thankfully, it was the last school morning of the week.

Classes are unbearably boring, especially since I have Science first period. To be honest, language arts and those kind of things are my strong suits. I like doing poetry the most, but we don't get to do it very often.

One thing I'm not excited for, is the fact that I have to sit with Scaramouche next period. Me and my friends decided not to talk to him after hearing what he did, but I still feel guilty ditching him like that. I still have to sit with Scaramouche though whether I like it or not, because there is assigned seating. It's going to be quite awkward...

It's alright though, I can get through it. It's not like I have to completely ignore him. I'll talk to him if he talks to me, but that's it. That should give him a hint, at least? He doesn't voluntarily come to our lunch table, since I usually have to make the trip to the bathroom stalls to fetch him, so I'm sure he'll be thankful that he doesn't have to sit with us anymore.

I watched the wave of people flood out from the classroom as the bell rung. I hurriedly made my way to the first floor, since I was currently on the second floor. With how many people push each other on the stairs, I'm surprised no one has fallen down yet. ((Omori reference??)) I guess I've come close, but I'm pretty good at keeping my balance so I haven't fell yet.

Reaching my class through the crowded halls wasn't a problem, mainly just on the stairs. Honestly, I'm scared of the stairs.

My hand reached the doorknob of my classroom, room 118. Surprisingly, I was able to find my class fairly quickly, seeing how I normally take a while. I turned the nob of the door and entered the classroom, which was as chatty as ever. It seems the teacher hasn't arrived yet, which is no surprise.

I took my seat next to Scaramouche, who looked awfully pale. Did he already know that we were ditching him? Had it affected him that much? Did Heizou or Venti decide to call him out for it? Maybe, if he is this pale then he might feel sorry for what he did...

No! No, Kazuha! He raped someone, you can't be friends with someone who did that. Though, I do feel a little bad. He'll probably be alone again, if he doesn't decide to hang out with Ajax. I wonder if people avoid him in this school because of his behavior in junior high? It's possible. People just love to spread gossip around, which, I don't blame them. This school is awfully boring.

Other than being pale, Scaramouche seemed sickly. He looked tired, almost as if he hadn't been getting sleep. He looks a little tense too. If this was from finding out that we were ditching him, would he really be this reactive about it? In such a short time, too. If he was upset about it, I doubt it would look like this. He seems like the type to have outbursts when he is angry, not look like he hasn't slept in days.

The way he looks so sick... it makes me want to take care of him. I know he did something horrible, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be uncared for. Plus, he was in junior high, which means it's been a couple years. Ajax mentioned he went to boarding school, maybe he got better? Either way, hanging out with him when the others aren't around is okay, right? I can at least find out if he is still as bad as Heizou said.

I attempted to break the unbearably tense silence between us, trying to create a conversation. "Hey Scaramouche!" I smiled at him, and he gave me a weak smile back. His eyes seemed a bit... empty..? No, that's not the right word. It was as if he wasn't currently here, like he was zoned out.

"Are you feeling alright?" I put my hand to his forehead, feeling for a temperature. Nope, no fever. Maybe he just has a cold? I doubt he would look like this if it was just a cold. Maybe it's entirely something else? Scaramouche turned his head back to his notebook, and started scribbling in it.

Ultimately, my attempt to break the tension failed, leaving me more uncomfortable than it started. Something was obviously wrong, but I couldn't even tell what.

Unconsciously, I lifted my hand up to twirl Scaramouche's hair in my hand. It felt nice, Scaramouche's hair was silky, soft to the touch.It was odd, why did I do that? The only person I ever do something like this with is Heizou. Did I mistake Heizou for Scaramouche? No, that couldn't possibly be it.

After realizing that someone was touching his hair, Scaramouche whipped around with a wide expression. Once he played his eyes on me, his expression seemed to soften, though there was a slight layer of pink on his face. Or was I just imagining it?

Either way, he finally seemed to relax a bit. A deep breath exhaled from his mouth, and he rested his head into his forearms. He seemed awfully tired, so I just continued to play with his hair. Not sure if it actually did, but it seemed to help him relax. At least he could get some rest before the teacher arrived and called him out for sleeping, which was better than nothing.

Eventually, the teacher, (who was 5 minutes late to his own class,) finally arrived. He seemed a bit disheveled, no doubt hooking up with another teacher.

Hopefully another teacher.

This teacher was such a creep, he gives off such weird vibes. It makes me uncomfortable, and I'm sure the rest of the class can agree.

Though, sometimes in this class I can feel him staring at me. It's awfully annoying, but it also makes my stomach queasy. I feel like... he gives me more attention... than the other students. He's always open to helping me with my work, and I'm the only student (besides from other periods) that he lets turn in assignments late without taking off points. He's always so chatty with me... it creeps me out.

Anyways, I hope this class goes by fast, because I'm not sure how long I can listen to math. I have too much on my mind, with the whole Scaramouche thing. It's stressing me out a bit, to be honest.


Words: 1105

Woah! Finally done with this chapter. I'm so sorry it took me so long! All of the sudden it was my birthday (the 12th) then I got sick. 😭 but, I was finally able to measure up the motivation to complete this chapter, though it's a bit shorter. I hope you all enjoyed it, bye bye! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

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