𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ᅳ 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬

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"Ye' know, it's great t' have ye' back, lass

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"Ye' know, it's great t' have ye' back, lass. It would be even better if you'd stay," Chibs said with a genuine smile. They had to leave in a few minutes but he really wanted to spend them with Sage. "Yer' Ol' Man would love tha', too. Tig misses you."

She was always the one of Tig's daughters who was here the most, who spent the most time at the club. Dawn visited often too, but Sage was here the most. Well, had been before shit happened. He didn't even want to start with Fawn. If there was one thing the youngest Trager sister had always hated and judged it was her father's lifestyle.

And yet she was now married to a biker. How was someone supposed to understand that?

"I know he does." Sighing, Sage rubbed the side of her thumb against the back of her hand in a circular motion, her gaze trained on her black boots. "I miss him too, and the rest of you", she gave him a smile as she turned her gaze to him. "You guys have always been like a big family to me."

"We still are, lass", Chibs corrected her with a wink and lightly nudged her arm. "It's weird not having ye' here regularly anymore. Is there no chance you'll come back?"

"No Chibs, sorry." Sage rolled her shoulders as she saw Chibs' expression, but he also seemed to understand her decision.

"Jax really messed this up." The Scotsman threw his cigarette on the ground and stubbed it out with the heel of his shoe after he stood up.

Leaning in, he placed a kiss on Sage's forehead. "Just know tha' we've always enjoyed having you here. Fawnᅳ not so much. We just accept her because we have t'. But you're the one that belongs here, sweetheart."

As Chibs headed back towards the row of bikes, Sage let his words sink in. It was nice and heartwarming to hear that she was and is always welcome here, that everyone missed her. And yes, it felt good to hear that no one really liked Fawnᅳ which Sage could totally understand. Fawn was arrogance in person. Actually the perfect match for Jax.

"Hey." Happy's voice made her look up. The moment she looked at him, a feeling of calm crept into her.

She smiled up at him. "Hey."

"We're leaving. Can I really leave you here alone?", he asked and Sage could swear she could hear some concern in his tone.

"I'm okay", she assured him eagerly before she stood up so that she was somewhat at eye level with him. "I'm going to join dad at St. Thomas anyway", she held up a hand when he was ready to protest. "I'll ask one of the prospects if he can drop me off. I'm not going alone, don't worry."

Sighing, Happy eventually gave in and nodded curtly. "Let a member take you. Juice and Bobby are here. No prospect, got it?"

"Okay, no prospect", she promised, one corner of her mouth lifting upwards before she looked at him with a mischievous grin. "Are you worried, Lowman?"

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