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The morning sun spilled its golden rays into Edward's room. Dressed impeccably in a tuxedo, he stood before the mirror, a sense of foreboding in the air. This was not the day of his wedding, nor was he the best man. He stared into his own reflection, a sigh escaping his lips. Closing his eyes, he was transported back in time, three years into the past.

It had been a fateful evening, with Edward, Cathy, Jacob, and his dearest friend, Gia, gathered around a table, engaged in an intense game of UNO cards. Secretly, Edward had harbored a deep affection for Gia, an emotion that had remained concealed beneath their lifelong friendship. The fear of losing her if he dared to confess his feelings had kept him silent. But today, pushed by Cathy and Jacob, he had summoned the courage to reveal his heart. Victory in the game seemed within his grasp, but in a twist of fate, Gia played the UNO reverse card, and Edward lost the game.

Edward was about to confess the feelings to Gia when she dropped a bombshell, "Guys, I've been seeing someone for the past two months, and I think it's getting serious."

Edward felt as though Gia had not just pulled the reverse card in their game, but also in his life. Jacob and Cathy exchanged knowing glances, fully aware of the turmoil raging within Edward but as always, he masked his emotions. Edward Gia in her house and parked his car outside Gia's house and filled with concern, quizzed, "Are you happy?"

Gia replied, "Rick is intelligent, the son of my father's business partner. I've practically known him all my life. It's good for the business if our partnership turns into a family affair."

Edward probed deeper, "I'm not interested in your parents' perspective. What about your feelings? Do you love him?"

Gia answered, "I like him. My family is content with this decision, and I have no objections. So, I think it's okay."

Edward sighed, contemplating whether, if she found love in Rick, he would be content knowing she had found happiness. Yet, if she discovered any red flags, he would patiently wait. Time flowed like a river, and days turned into years. He dated others sporadically, but his heart remained tethered to Gia.

Fast forward three years, and Gia and Rick were preparing to tie the knot. Edward couldn't bear to watch her marry someone else, but he knew he had to let go. He arrived at the wedding venue, where Jacob and Cathy were already present. They decided to pay Gia a visit before the ceremony and, unbeknownst to them, walked into a heated argument.

Gia's voice trembled as she said, "Rick, you know Arrow isn't just a dog; he's been a significant part of my life. He's already 12 and might not live much longer."

Rick's response was callous, "Well, then you won't miss much time with a dying dog."

Tears welled up in Gia's eyes, her voice quivering as she protested, "Rick, please stop it. He's like family to me, and he's sick. I can't leave him. I already discussed this with you. It's the only thing I've ever asked, and you agreed."

Rick's retort was heartless, "How many dogs am I supposed to take home?"

Gia, bewildered, asked, "What do you mean, how many dogs?"

Rick sneered, "Isn't it enough that I'm taking you home? You're only 5 feet tall, and we won't even fit in a photo frame together. Be grateful that you're getting a man beyond your reach."

Tears spilled onto Gia's pristine white wedding dress. As Rick stormed out of the room, her friends rushed to console her. Cathy spoke with conviction, "He's a walking red flag, Gia. This is your last chance to escape. This marriage won't be happy, no matter how hard you try; it'll always be one-sided."

Jacob chimed in, "You come from an affluent family, and he treats you like this. Imagine how he'll treat you if you have nothing."

Gia turned to Edward, her eyes pleading for support, but he stood there, eyes bloodshot, his emotions hidden beneath a facade of strength. In an urgent moment, he left the room, and everyone assumed he was on his way to confront Rick. Jacob followed him closely, and Gia, needing to put on her shoes, took a few moments before joining them, with Cathy's assistance.

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