Chapter One | Veera's Curse.

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Lashes on her breast stung

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Lashes on her breast stung. She kept running despite them bouncing and hurting her chest.

She knew Elen was after her. He'd go mad for his brother, he'd do anything to satisfy him so as to even torture her in his absence.

He would leave more marks.

He would leave more horrors.

"You are vile! Mother," She cried, unable to see the black, suckening soil beneath her as she kept running with leftover strength. Her wolf cried in her, given up from all the leftover goodness that she could be blessed with.
Her stomach pained more with a step.

Every sprint was like a poisonous leap.

The rain dampened her vision, she kept going far away from her home.

She didn't even wanna call that her home.

"How can you let this happen to me?! I call you, I beg for you, Mother," the Queen sobbed, while her knees hurt with the sting in her thighs returning. "You have graved a mistake in my misery, my Moon Goddess. You will pay for this!" She cried harder, finding a black pool of ice to fall over and weep herself out.

She couldn't catch her breath. It hurt too much.

"My womb is tainted through your fate. You and your children have ruined me!" She screamed, almost losing her voice as she kept and kept on howling her sorrow.

The woods listened, received, took her in its own spiral.

"How dare you, HOW DARE YOU BRING THIS UPON ME?! Is this the fruit of your devotional service? Is this what happens to your maidens?!" The Queen implored, watching the cloudy sky ignite its thunder unto her tears, struggling to open her eyes. The rain did no mercy.

"Do not let me hurt more, kill this body before it is used again, Mother. Bring me to you!" She hiccuped, removing her blood-stained night dress that had his bodily liquids, feeling her wounds sting further.

Rain became acid.

Her bear body, black and blue, had blood running down her groin. Her disbelief from her blood made her voice harsher.

"No, you can't bless a child unto me anymore. Not with their mongrel blood," She cried ever so harder, watching herself bleed from there.

"I do not want this child," She weeped, as her abdomen roared with a shooting shudder.

"Let this child be stillborn, for it not to endure these men or this life. She is not yours, but she belongs in your embrace. Take her. You can not undo this curse upon me with my child, end it with another womb. A divine child of your own blessing, not these Alphas. Let your daughter be born, let yourself come to life to us, my Goddess," the Queen's desperation turned into anger, as the forest soaked up her blood in its waters, and she clenched her fists.

"You have wronged me, Mother," She spoke angrily to the moon.
"You could not save me from my own son, now I won't let you save any of these children." She promised, grabbing a handful of the cursed dirt, and smearing it on her aching temple.

And she started what she can't take back.

"On this eve of the Virgin Moon," She began, letting the light of the moon burn brighter, and the thunder roar a crescendo.

"I curse this land with my dignity. I curse it, for it to not see salvation, for it shall see the doom of its riches,"

She glared at the sky.

"For it is time for the clans to die,"

She went louder,
"Let the son of this land's heart be eaten by the Godly one,"

And louder,
"For it is time for soil to revive the forgotten massacres of our marvelous God,"

She went sematic.
"Our one, only God,"

"For it is time for the King of the Werewolves to be born,"

Her Goddess emmited the oracle's shine.
"For it is time for Lydo to take his place on the throne again,"

Her hands ached from the moonlight burning it.
"And take back what is rightfully his,"

She never kneeled to the pain.
"Let him destroy these lands to avenge his kingdom,"

She glared straight at the full crimson moon,
"And let your cosmic child be his,"

The rain hardened.
"Here my plea, Luna," She screamed.

"Here my plea, Luna," She screamed.

"HERE MY PLEA, O DIVINE LUNA," She screamed, making the forest of the dead souls also louden with her vitality, for her blood new bled to seal an unreversible curse.

"Let the unfortunate one take birth with me and come back to you to repent for our wrongdoings," She cried.

"For the right seer of Lydo shall be born, in this forest, in this river, under your celestial womb, under your blessing," Her body buzzed.

"Let her be a havoc to these lands,"

The ground shook.

"Let her be the judge of our actions,"

The skies shrieked.

"And let her, seal the fate of your wishes. By the power of Mother Earth and Father Sky,"

And the blood in her hands leaked.

"Let my curse write their lives," Veera closed her eyes.

"And let Lydo return from his exile with her."

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