the internship

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i came back every day home at 09:00 p.m. in a house full of boxes. i grabbed my laptop every evening to find an internship but there was never something i liked.

the internships i did before, i never liked those. i just did it bacause i couldn't find anything else. also i was never really on time to find an intership and i always did everything at the last moment. now i didn't do that. i wanted the perfect internship that i would really like. also ever since my dad died, i never liked photographing that much anymore.

this night everything was different. i could go home earlier, and when i got home and opened my laptop and refreshed the page i found an internship that i could like. it was an internship at McLaren. i read the discription:

if you like the formula 1, love to travel and want to make friends in a great team than this is the job for you. we can get you an internship compensation and let you enjoy every hour here with us.

what are you going to do:

- take pictures of the race and the drivers

- edit them so they are social media worthy

- keep our social media's up to date

intrested? klik down below.

my dad always talked about formula one and he couldn't miss one race. it was all about speed, competing and strageties. my dad always wanted me to love it too but i never really understood it. it were just cars driving around behind eachoter. my dad tought me evrything but i still didn't really like it, it made my dad happy when i watched it with him but i never really got joy out of it.

i wanted to do this internship, even though i had nothing with the sport i did love to travel and this would be the perfect opportunity. i sended them a request and they just needed to aswer...

after 1 1/2 weeks i got an email:

dear jane,

here by we want you to come for an interview for the internship spot, the interview would be placed in the mclaren home base. we want you there july 31th at 11:30 a.m.

looking forward to see you there,

zak brown.

the interview would be in 2 weeks, but i had still a lot to do. but after i got that email i went straight to my aunts house. i told my aunt everything and she got exited as well.

time was passing by and before i knew it, it was allready the day of the interview. i was so nervous. i got a little peptalk from my aunt before i left. i jumped in the car and drove to the mclaren home base. it was a far drive. after 1 hour and 45 minutes i arrived. i rang the doorbell when there were 2 boys comming out of the building, and when they noticed me they came towards me.

the one had dark brown curled hair and was a little smaller than the other one. the other one had a bit lighter brown straight hair and was also a lot shyer than the other one.

the one with the curled hair started the conversation: "hello, are you lost?" i couldn't really place it, did he mean it? or was he being mean. i looked confused and he asked again: "i asked you a question, are you?" he sounded a lot softer and before i answerd the doorbell talked: "Are you the one for the interview?" i said yes and the two boys let me in. they even walked me to the office where i needed to be. the one with the curled hair talked a lot but he made me feel comfortable the other one tho, i dont really know what to think of him, he was really quiet.

before i knew it we were all ready at the office. "well good luck... uhm whats you're name?" the curled haired boy asked, i said: "it's jane, and thank you..." "oh lando, nice to meet you jane" and they walked away. i took a deep breath, knocked on the door and walked in. "hi i'm Jane, i'm here for the interview." "hello jane, nice to meet you i'm zak, take a seat." i took place in the chair across his one. we had a good talk but then the last question came "so why do you want this internship? you don't look like a girl who likes cars" i looked at him and i was in my thoughts for a little bit. but after a few second i said "well that's true i'm not really a car girl, but i love to take pictures of everything and besides that my dad would have loved it if i could have this opportunity." he looked at me a little confused and said "you said would have? why?" my mind got a bit blank but i needed to answer something so i soon got away with that feeling and said "well my dad died 3 years ago but he loved formula 1 and i think he would be really happy if i can do this internship." he looked with a sad face to me and said "i'm really sorry i asked, but we have a lot of other people that want this internship and i don't know if this is really for you." i was bumped but i couldn't let this just go and said "look i know there are a lot of others but i'm really passionate about taking photo's and they always need to be perfect, do all those others also want that or are they doing it because they have to?" i actually was shocked of myself, i should have kept it for myself, now i definitely ruined this. he then shook my hand with a smile and said "you will hear from me after i heard all the others".

i was bumped out and walked out. back to the car until someone said my name "hey Jane, wait up". i turned around and saw lando comming towards me he asked "soo? how did it go?" i looked away and back and said "well i don't think im gonna get it, i said something stupid so yeah, bye". "ho ho, not so fast, maybe it was just the right thing to say" he said. "how would you know you don't even know what i have said" he looked away and back, i looked confused at him and said: "you did hear it didn't you" "i wasn't listening i justed overheard a few things" he said with a smile. i laughed and said "so how much did you overhear" "not that much, a little bit, the whole conversation" and he looked away again. i was a bit in shock, why would he do that. i was just looking at him confused and he said "i'm really sorry, i didn't want to but yeah i uhm i don't know, i'm trying to make it a bit right but it doesn't work does it?" he smiled and i said "it's okey, but i should go now" he opened my car door and when i wanted to close it he said "i really hope you get the internship" he winked, closet the door and walked away. i sat confused in my car and drove away. his words kept rolling in my mind the whole ride home. he doesn't even know me so why does he want me to get it?

before i knew it i was all ready home. i got out of my car and went inside and my aunt immediately asked about the interview. i told her how it went and that i needed to wait for another response. she gave me a hug and said "i'm sure you did great tho, they are crazy if they don't choose you". i gave her a smile and went to my room to unpack all the boxes again.

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