Stop! You already took my eyes what more do you want? (Triggering chapter)

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Alejandro POV:

With Noah and his twink boyfriend gone I've only got a small amount of enemies left, I've got Gwen and Courtney. And I've got, Ezekiel well I don't really care about him, he hasn't gotten in my way so there's pretty much no reason to go for him, I think I should go visit mi amor, he might be pretty happy to see me.

Tyler POV:

I need to get out of here but how? I can't see...I want to go home, I want to see my dad I miss him, I don't want to be alone, I want to live, I want to do sports, am I selfish for wanting those things? I don't believe I'll be able to go home though...And even if I do, who would help a blind jock who's dumb?

No one's POV:

Shuffling could be heard in the plane, at first, Tyler thought it was just a rat or something, Tyler used his hands to feel around, he felt a pointy surface and he jolted back in fear because he thought Alejandro came back to finish him off I mean the first part was right but who on earth would think that someone who is obsessed with you would kill you? I mean if you're stupid enough to think that then I don't know what to tell you.

Tyler's POV:

I felt a warm hand on my cheek. Is this it? Is this how I'm going to die. If so, I accept it. I can't take this suffering anymore, It felt like hours when he first left me and now he's came back to make me suffer even more, I don't want this...I wish for him to let me go. It's not fair...I don't want this, nobody deserved to get hurt. He needs to be defeated...he needs to die. Even if I die he needs to die to!

Alejandro POV:

I placed my hand on his cheek resting it there to see his reaction, and to be honest I thought his reaction was interesting? Has he accepted his fate? I thought he was a bit more resilient, I saw the look on his eyes when he saw me kill sierra that his eyes are gone, I won't be able to see his resilient look anymore...I don't regret it though!

No one's POV:

It had been 15 minutes without movement and the Sun began to set, the silence was loud and the tension was high, Alejandro reached down and kissed Tyler passionately, Tyler didn't want this...he was so sure he didn't want this.But why? Why did he kiss back? He wasn't so sure about why he kissed back but it's too late to turn back time.Tyler pulled back from the kiss to ask him this one question.

Tyler:You took my eyes. What more do you fucking want you asshole?!

Alejandro:Oh,I don't only want your eyes.I want you...I want your heart, body and soul Mi Vida.

(TwT save me from my cringe writing)

Tyler:I despise you

Alejandro:I love you too 

TW:Rape, hate sex I think? Well Tyler hates him and he clearly did not consent to this bullshit but Alejandro is so into it, I'm sorry I fucking hate this but whatever, I hate writing rape scenes, it doesn't make me feel good. Every time I wrote smut and it was rape I couldn't stop feeling sick.

Alejandro began to unzip Tyler's tracksuit top while trying to resist the urge of ripping it.After he finished unzipping Tyler's tracksuit top,he grabbed Tyler's head and the end of his shoulder to keep him in place as he kissed and sucked on Tyler's neck causing Tyler to let out little distressed whimpers and groans he began to move down sucking on different places and creating hickeys, he reached the top of Tyler's pants and boxers and pulled them off eagerly as Tyler was trying to kick him off (obviously it didn't work)

Tyler:stop I'm begging you... want me to stop? Well sorry not sorry I'm going to continue wherever you like it or not.

He kissed the tip of Tyler's now hard penis and then began to go lower onto it enveloping it in his mouth and sucking on it with such precision and speed,Tyler tried to stifle his moans which failed.As Alejandro continued his sucking action on Tyler's dick speeding up to try get him to release quickly, it took a few seconds for him to release but when he did all he could feel was pleasure.Alejandro began to take off his clothes and throwing them to the side not caring about where they landed.

Alejandro:Raw or normal?

Tyler:what do you mean?

Alejandro:You're too precious.

Tyler: I guess normal then?

Alejandro lifted his fingers up to Tyler's mouth and forced his fingers into his mouth trying to gather up saliva from Tyler's mouth. Once he finished doing that he began too lower his fingers, and reached Tyler's ass.He pushed one finger into Tyler's asshole which caused Tyler to moan out loudly, he sped up the process with one finger and then he added one after another. At the end of it he was fingerfucking Tyler with 4 of his fingers, moans, whimpers, could all be heard from the cockpit of the plane.

Alejandro:Are you ready?

Tyler:F-for what...?

Alejandro:for this my dear.

Alejandro slammed his dick into Tyler's wet hole, he didn't move for a bit because he didn't want to hurt him more then he already has, after a minute or 2,he began to slam in and out fiercely causing Tyler to be out of breath and not being able to make coherent sentences without moaning, he continued this for about a couple of minutes maybe an hour until he released into Tyler without warning and causing Tyler to release for the second time, Tyler then closed his eyelids and went to sleep.

Alejandro wrapped his arms around Tyler and soon fell to sleep aswell.

I hated writing this but if it meant I create stuff then I'll be alright to create more stuff .And I always keep forgetting DJ, okay so DJ didn't  die he's just chill he escaped the plane to go back to his home with his mom.

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