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Written very sporadically, sorry for any sudden change in writing style or coherence 💀 I tried


"I'm not completely sure I can trust those four to take care of the babies." Yuta confesses –somewhat joking– as they leave the dorm.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine, it's just for a few hours." Kun reassures. "They won't hurt them, and hopefully since there's the four of them, there'll always be someone watching them, so don't stress about that... we do have more concerning things to think about." The Chinese remakes with a sigh.

"Yeah..." The company was generous enough to let him rest for a day before calling him in for a meeting to... discuss things. As Kun drives them to the company, Yuta can't help but think, how much does the company know? They know about the babies, do they know the parental situation as well? Or well, even how it happened? Their managers reported about the spiked drinks, but they never heard anything of it since then. I really hope I don't have to go in depth.

To his dismay, the ride to the company was short, and before long they were entering a conference room, he greets the managers, PR staff, Lee Soo Man, and he greets the legal team staff.

Pleasantries are quickly gone over, and the head of the legal team, Mr.Kim starts the meeting. "In this meeting we'll be going over a few issues concerning Nakamoto Yuta-ssi and the recent situation. Yuta-ssi were hoping you can explain more on this as Taeyong-ssi didn't provide us with much information regarding what happened."

He takes a breath before asking, "What did he say?"

"Taeyong-ssi informed us that the medical emergency at the concert in Chicago resulted in the birth in twins, who are results of another incident that happened months prior, the spiked drinks, which we'll be looking farther into." Mr.Kim reads from some papers. "However, Yuta-ssi, I have to ask, were you aware of your genetics prior to both incidents?"

He gulped, he knew exactly what he was asking. "Yes, I was."

Mr.Kim nodded, shuffling some papers, "When you signed into the label, and signed to debut, when filling out medical information, nowhere in our files is it mentioned anywhere about your genetics, that you're a hybrid." There's the word. "Essentially, you've lied by omission, and about something very important. Is there a reason for that Yuta-ssi?" He questions, multiple heads turning to the latter.

"I... I wanted to be treated as an equal with the other trainees and members. I never planned on being... active, so I assumed that including that info wouldn't be significant." He says quietly, his fingers fidget with strings on the holes of his jeans. Beneath the table, Kun takes his hand, giving it a squeeze for comfort.

"Okay. Prior to that Chicago concert, were you aware that you were pregnant?"

"Yes, I was. I was aware almost the whole time." He confesses easily. There's no use lying, for anything. "No one knew, Doyoung only knew later on, and I made him promise not to tell anyone else."

Another member of the legal team speaks up, "Yuta-ssi, we understand these must have not been easy months, however with what happened at the concert, and having to announce a sudden hiatus, there are consequences from your actions, or rather lack of actions. At the moment there isn't much we can do, we currently have an idol on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time, we've been brainstorming with the information we were given and we want to give you a few options."

Yuta nods, but he's not liking the sound of any of this. Options?

"If you want to continue working under Nct and SM, you're a valuable asset, especially for our Japanese market, and so to the work we've had upcoming, there's no place nor time for a hiatus long enough for you to care for those infants. Being an idol is near full time job that requires your physical, mental, and emotional attention." Mr.Kim starts with. "Firstly, we have two options here, we could assist in either handing over the infants to family of yours or to give up for adoption."

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