𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 ᅳ 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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mature content [smut] in the first part of the chapter!

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mature content [smut] in the first part of the chapter!

Happy watched Sage pack her clothes into the large duffel bag that was placed on his bed. She was so careful and slow that he had the feeling she was deliberately trying to stay here a little longer.

Or maybe he just secretly wished that Sage wanted to stay a few minutes longer.

He didn't admit it, but it bothered him that she would be gone in an hour and that the two of them would probably only see each other when Sage came to visit. It was nothing more than a casual affair, so why keep in touch? That would just complicate things.

And yet he wanted to stay in touch with her and know how she was doing. That didn't mean he had to marry her. Maybe there really was such a thing as friendship between a man and a woman, even if he hadn't been sure of that until today.

But with Sage it could work out. A friendship with benefits.

"Okay..I'm done", the redhead announced as she put the bag over her shoulder, visibly wistful. "Thanks for letting me crash here. And for the days in general, I really enjoyed the time with you."

Happy quietly eyed the petite woman as she stood in the middle of his bedroom, looking a little unsure of what to do next. Pushing himself away from the wall, he slowly walked towards her and slid his hand to the back of her neck, gently gripping the nape of her hair.

"You got a few more minutes?" As his raspy voice reached her ear, he felt her body literally bend against his.

"For you?" She looked up at him with doe eyes and let her lips ghost over his, driving him crazy already. She could tell by the low growl that rattled through his chest. "Always", she added in a whisper before claiming his lips.

After her duffel bag slipped off her shoulder, Happy pushed her backwards until she hit the bed with her knees and landed gently on the mattress. Both of them quickly took off their clothes, which ended up somewhere on the floor.

As Sage let her delicate hands roam over his upper body, his fingers ran through her bouncing curls, for which she had occupied the bathroom for half an hour earlier. Another thing he would probably miss when she was gone, as absurd as it sounded.

"You're so fuckin' pretty, woman", he rasped after bending over her and placing himself between her legs, watching her pretty face twist in pleasure.

Sage's breath caught in her throat as his hard erection pressed against her center. It didn't need more to make her all wet for him and yet his words still managed to make her melt. She had only known him for maybe eight days and yet she could tell by the sincerity in his eyes that he meant his words.

And what woman doesn't enjoy getting compliments?

This time there was no foreplay, they both just wanted to feel each other. Happy captured her lips again, his tongue sliding over her lower lip, begging for entrance, which Sage granted him. As their tongues fought for dominance, he pushed himself inside her and filled her to the hilt.

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