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warnings01 : strong language02 : mentions of demons03 : religious stuff04 : prayers05 : TENSIONNNNNN06 : i was lowk kinda uncomfortablewriting this so pls read at ur own risk,after all i alrd warned ygs this isa horror romance☹️

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01 : strong language
02 : mentions of demons
03 : religious stuff
04 : prayers
06 : i was lowk kinda uncomfortable
writing this so pls read at ur own risk,
after all i alrd warned ygs this is
a horror romance☹️


" IT WAS NICE TO get to know you today," I say, a smile gracing my face. After staying at the cafe for about an hour, simply talking about ourselves to get to know each other more, he walked me back to my apartment.

Of course, people were staring and gossiping about us as we spent time together, but that's what we exactly wanted—for rumors about us dating to spread.

Our cover story will just be that we instantly clicked and have been crushing on each other ever since. Though it might not seem that believable, it will be believable enough.

The white-headed man returns my expression. I was surprised it was a genuine smile instead of his usual dull one. He reaches for my hand before replying, "Yeah, I agree."

I feel my hands getting clammy at his touch. I run my tongue over my lips and bring my hand back to my side. He looks down for a split second before returning his gaze to my face.

Slow footsteps reach our ears. We turn our heads and see a man's eyes trained on the ground, muttering a few curses here and there.

What the fuck.

It's Louis.

What was weird was that he had crutches supporting his every step. There were bandages all over his body, from head to toe, along with a cast on his leg and arm. His face looked like he had gotten run over—wait, it already did before, so, his face looked like he got run over again.

Once he was in range to the point he was able to see our feet, he halted. His eyes widen and his body goes stiff. His eyes, which were once locked onto the ground, slowly trail up with shaky pupils.

He lets out a scream and I wince, covering my ears. He drops his crutches, causing his body to fall on the concrete ground. He attempts to crawl back but groans when he does so.


With furrowed brows, I take a step toward him to help him up, though I retract when he holds an arm up. "D-Don't come any c-closer!" he yells. "Please, l-leave me alone! Have m-mercy on me, p-please!"

☆ stay quiet ━━ yandere k. kazuha x reader .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now