Part 5

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I was in class, and many students were whispering and talking about why suho helped jukyoung
Rumors were spreading that suho might like jukyoung.

I was in my thoughts when some of my classmates came to me and asked if I was fine.

Classmate 1-Y/n, are you okay?
Classmate 2-Hey,are you fine?

I am fine,I said, smiling lightly and nodding my head.

The door opened and entered jukyoung.
Everyone rushed towards her.

Hey,jukyoung, are you ok? I asked.
She nodded.

Ahn hyun kyu-I am really sorry this happened all because of me.

Jukyoung (smiling)- It's okay.

Jukyoung is looking so pretty even after she got cake on her face,said sooah happily.

Jukyoung chuckled as everyone went back to their seats.

I also went back to my seat and lowered down my head.
I don't know how, but I dozed off to sleep.

Time skip:
I was woken up by jukyoung.

Hey,y/n school is over.Come on, let's go, "she said.

I woke up and looked around only to find that everyone left only jukyoung, and me were in the class.

I kept all the things in my bag and left with her.

We were on our way when she said.

I don't want to go home right now,let's go somewhere.

I chuckled and said, "Okay,no problem.

Where should we go then? "I asked.

We thought for a minute.

Um, I know a comic book store. Let's go there, "she said.

I nodded excitedly.
And we went there.

In a few minutes, we reached there.
The bell jingled as we opened the door.

I already knew how this place looks by seeing it in the drama,but seeing this place in real life still doesn't feel real.

I looked around and started to find some comic to read.
I found one thriller story, which was kinda interesting, so I sat in the sitting area(where suho and jukyoung used to sit) and started reading the book.

I was so into the book that I didn't even realise that someone was sitting in front of me and was staring right at me, confused.

I moved my gaze from the book and looked up and saw none other than suho sitting right in front of me.

What are you doing here?he asked, confused.

What else would I do in a comic book store? reading a comic,dumb head, I said sarcastically.

He glared at me,to which I also glared back.

We stopped this "glaring competition" when jukyoung came.

She sat beside me with two ramyeon bowls in her hand.
She gave one to me and the other to herself.

Me and jukyoung were eating the ramyeon when suho also got one for himself.

The silent comic book store was now filled with slurping sound everywhere.

Ahhh!It's so good,I said while taking my last bite.

Jukyoung chuckled after finishing the soup.

I kept the bowl back on my table and saw that suho was still sitting there and was still eating his ramen very slowly.

I chuckled and continued to read the book again.

I looked at the time, and it was 5:45 pm at that moment.I stretched my hands and got up to keep the book back.

I got back to the place where I sat and saw only jukyoung there.

Maybe suho already left,I thought.

I walked up to jukyoung.

I am leaving,I said.
She smiled and said, "Wait for me. I am also coming.

I nodded and went outside.
I was waiting for her to come when I heard my phone ding indicating that I got a message.
I opened and saw that it was from an unknown number.

Unknown-Hey,Han seojun here.

Y/n-How did you get my number.

Seojun-I have sources, you know.

Y/n-Ya,ya, why not.
Why did you message me?

Seojun-I want to know when you will give my helmet back.

Y/n-I will give it to you as soon as I get it back.

Seojun-Bring it back fast.

Y/n- Ya okay,bye.

Before I could see his reply, I closed the chat and put my phone back.

I looked back and saw jukyoung came out too.

Let's go, "I said.
She smiled and nodded.

We are walking towards jukyoung's house as first we will drop her and then I will go back to my house.

Bye,take care, "she said.
Bye,I said.

When I reached my house,I went to my room, kept my bad aside, and lay down on the bed.

I was so tired that I didn't even realize when I fell asleep.
Next day

I opened my eyes due to the Sun rays that were directly hitting my face.
I got off my bed and went straight to the washroom to get ready.

I wore my uniform and shoes.Ate my breakfast, and left for school.

I reached the school and was walking inside when I saw jukyoung on the ground and was begging someone.

I moved closer to the scene and saw that she was begging Suho.

They both saw me coming towards, so jukyoung got up, and Suho looked away.

I stared at them confusingly and asked.

Why were begging to him? Did something happen? "I asked jukyoung.

She shook her head and said, "No, nothing actually, I fell by mistake.

I stared at them suspiciously but shrugged my shoulders and shaked off the thought away.

Let's go,I smiled and said.

Hmm,she nodded and went with me.

With the corner of my eyes, I saw Suho staring at me.
I ignored his stare and went inside with jukyoung.

We were about to go inside our class when I was about to bump into someone,and as I looked up, I saw Han Seojun staring and smirking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows,

What!?,I asked.
He started coming closer and closed the gap between us and whispered into my ear.

Good Morning "PRINCESS".

I was shocked at the nickname and pushed him away.

Yaa!! What's with the nickname,I said I was still shocked.

He ignored me and went without looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and went inside.

Not knowing that someone has listened to my small conversation with seojun.
Finally updated,
Sorry for the late update.
Final exams are starting, so I will now update them after Feb.😞

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