Chapter 1 - Still The Oxygen I Breath

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It wasn't supposed to have come to this since the plan seemed to be working just fine, but everything that happens in Hawkins is always unpredictable, as well as the impulsiveness that happens when it comes to feelings. Dustin's screams when he called his name sent a shiver down the spine because it was so full of desperation. He wasn't supposed to cut that sheet, and the girl wasn't supposed to throw herself through the portal before he could get the mattress out.

— What are you doing?!

— If you really think I'd let you go alone, then you don't know me.

Ignoring the fact that their younger friend was shouting at them to get back, Luisa opened the door of the trailer while Eddie looked at Dustin saying that they were going to buy more time, and they ran to the bicycle in the yard, the boy pedaling while she on the back lit a cocktail to throw at the bunch of Demobats following them.

— I've hit a few, but there are still too many — she shouted to him over her shoulder

— Be careful, I don't want you to fall!

— That would be the least of our problems, Munson!

— Still, I won't let you get hurt — he pulled her to face him and hold his waist.

They both fell after the bicycle chain broke, but soon got up, Eddie grabbed her hand and ran away, but suddenly the boy stopped.

— Why did you stop? We need to get out of here fast before-

— You go, I'll stay.

— Are you crazy? I told you I wouldn't-

— Luisa, you need to get out of here now.

— I'm not going anywhere without you Edward, end of discussion.

He thought about shouting at her, but they didn't have time for that. He started to pull his arm to get her to let go, but he couldn't match his strength against hers, then they heard the creatures approaching, which made Eddie pull her body against his while he protected them both with the shield of nails, and everything seemed to have frozen at that moment, their fate had been sealed there, they either had to fight to survive or die trying.

The memories came flooding back in those minutes that seemed to last years, the first time they saw each other at school when they were in the same year of primary school and he made a joke to get everyone's attention away from her who had spilled juice on her clothes.

— Thank you.

— I realized you needed help, I'm used to people laughing at me.

— Why is that? They shouldn't be laughing at you, they should be laughing at your jokes!

— Did you think that was funny? — the boy put a hand to the back of his head, a little confused.

— Of course! I love jokes — the smile on her face made him blush — What's your name?

— Eddie, and yours?

— Luísa, but you can call me Lulu if you like.

— Cute, it suits you — now it was her turn to turn red.

From that day on the two of them were never apart, even when she graduated and he stayed behind, they were always together in the trailer or when he played with the band at the Hideout, but they never took the big step of confessing their feelings for each other. She thought she would never be nice enough for him to see a romantic future between the two of them and he thought he wasn't good enough to give her everything she deserved.

— Are you sure, Eddie?

— Yes, I want you to keep it for me

— But it's your lucky pick — he stands behind the girl and puts the necklace around her neck.

— Yes, but if anything happens I want you to have it.

— Nothing will happen Eddie, we'll protect you and clear your name!

— Even so, I want this to bring you luck and protect you always — She smiled sitting down opposite to him on the boat where the boy was hiding, all this mess would be over and she promised herself that she would finally tell him what was locked up in her heart.

Time passes slowly when it seems like it's going to end and neither of them could have foreseen what happened in that moment, it wasn't supposed to be like this, was it the end?

LUÍSA! — the boy's scream was loud and seemed to come straight from the darkest corner of his heart where despair lives, but the silence afterwards was deafening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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