Yes, yes, here we are again. Let's get this over with readers ;-;
1. Be nice - Be kind to everyone. No racism, sexism, or anything of the sort is allowed here.
2. No spamming - Please don't spam me with messages. I'll try to get to you as soon as possible, alright?
3. You can make from 1 - 3 ocs. :D
4. I will allow group roleplays, and if you want to include me in, just tag me or something.
5. Make an OC on the "Forms" page after this before trying to roleplay.
6. Take smut into dms. I'm really NOT trying to get this book taken down.
7. Have fun - That's why I do these, to have fun.
That's all, readers. Head to the next page to make your OC!
New Note: I see that the book has over 90 views, yet no comments. A little sad, I suppose :/
Lethal Company Roleplay (OPEN)
FanfictionYou work as a scrap collector for a company known as - wait for it - The Company. After 3 trips down to a moon (or moons), you must return to The Company and sell your goods. Very easy job. Just don't miss the profit quota.