when theo remembers he has a tablet

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wriothesley :D many things about his design is wrong but that's okay

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wriothesley :D many things about his design is wrong but that's okay

wriothesley :D many things about his design is wrong but that's okay

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crying neuvillete sketch:) im aware he can't. but yk i love the little head cannons that if he's upset enough he can <3

anddd other drawings bc those took forever (neuvillete took three different sketches just to get right help)

anddd other drawings bc those took forever (neuvillete took three different sketches just to get right help)

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wriothesley with a confusing pose

wriothesley with a confusing pose

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more wriothesley but pen

more wriothesley but pen

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more wriothesley but pen

he was. the only thing i sketched until neuvi

 the only thing i sketched until neuvi

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young wriothesley

it's not a wriothesley!1!1! random sketch though,, mostly just testing things like giving my characters chins rather than squish

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it's not a wriothesley!1!1! random sketch though,, mostly just testing things like giving my characters chins rather than squish

warning for swearing;;

warning for swearing;;

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late birthday thing for wrio LMAO

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late birthday thing for wrio LMAO

i imagine he'd swear quite a bit if hoyo allowed it

ignore the sideview i suck at them 🥰

anyways, that's it, buh-bye :)

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