Sleepover At Vic's

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~Vic's POV~

My band called me back over so I gave Kellin my phone to entertain himself. My phone came with an installable "childproof" mode. It had little kiddy games and had restricted the normal phone amenities like calling and texting and also the internet. Perfect time to use it. Me and my band continued trying to work on our new song while the others just goofed off and lounged around. Danny had to leave early so that left my band, BVB, and Kellin. A little after 11 pm we called it quits and went back inside. Tony suggested we do something fun that can include Kellin and Andy suggested we have a sleepover. I agreed and looked over at Kellin still playing on my phone. He had evidently given CC another chance because he was talking and showing him my phone like every two seconds. It was adorable I have to admit.

"Looks like CC and Kellin are good friends now. That's good." Tony was looking at the two as well.

"Yeah I was feeling kinda bad for him, but now it's all good." I continued to watch as Kellin kept showing CC something. CC would smile and nod as Kellin talked a million miles a minute.

"Alright, as fun as this is. I'm going to go save him." Ashley stands and walks over to the two. Ashley pats CC's shoulder and he joined us over at the couch. He plops down and runs a hand through his long hair.

"Awww I think he likes you CC." I laughed and he sighs.

"I'm happy and all but damn can he talk." I laughed again. Kellin was now sitting in Ashley's lap and was watching him play something. I walked over and Ashley was playing some game where you get to run your own train and pick up people. I swear these games were made for five year olds or younger, but Kellin didn't seem to mind; in fact he seemed fascinated by them.

"Blow the whistle Ashley!" Kellin exclaims and Ashley smiles and pushes a button. The whistle sounded and Kellin claps.

"Again!" He pushes the button a few more times before he gets tired of it. Kellin goes to another game. I looked at the screen and there was the train game, a racing game, a few cooking games, and two where you got to cut people's hair. I really got to get him a phone so he can do this whenever. He takes the phone from Ashley and plays a racing game. Kellin's endless talking and shoving the phone in Ashley's face didn't seem to tire him like it did to CC or anyone else for that matter. Andy and Tony came over to watch or talk with Kellin, and he would show them my phone, but he never wanted off Ashley's lap. Eventually we got him to come over to the couch and everyone helped him make a fort out of blankets and pillows. Kellin really seemed to enjoy that. And I have to confess I was a little pleased when we finished that Kellin pulled me inside to show it off and not Ashley. I mean I love Ashley and I'm not jealous or anything, but Kellin is my boyfriend and not Ashley's.

"Looks awesome Kellin. Great job." I smiled and hugged him. He hugs me back then pulled away and started telling me about the games he played. The fort collapsed on us as he was talking and it spooked him because he shrieks. I started trying to push them off us and the others helped by pulling them off.

"You okay?" I looked at him and he nods, staying close to me and eying the blankets like they might attack him again. I put my arm around him and someone suggested we put in a movie. I nodded and we put in some random movie. Kellin started the movie in Ashley's lap but around the half-way point he started getting tired and Ashley put him in my lap before Kellin fell asleep. He wasn't the only one crashing. Embarrassingly enough, Jake had passed out on Jinxx's shoulder and Jinxx was beet red with blush. CC pulls out his phone.

"Christian Coma Mora I swear to God if you-"CC takes the picture.

"What you going to do about it Jeremy Miles Ferguson?" He puts his phone up and Jinxx crossed his arms. Kellin was half-asleep in my arms and rubbed his eyes. I looked at my phone and saw it was about 1:30 am. Andy had his head in his hand, also asleep. Tony, my brother, and Ashley didn't look too far behind on falling asleep; but me, CC, Jinxx and the rest of my band were all wide awake.

When the movie was over, only me and Jinxx were still awake. It was almost three and we hadn't moved, in fear of waking those laying on us. Jinxx started moving Jake to the floor and I looked at everyone. Andy hadn't moved, Ashley was leaned over laying on Andy's back, CC had his head back on the couch, Jaime had his head on CC's shoulder, my brother had his head in Tony's lap and Tony had his head on my drummer's shoulder. I stifled my laughter and snapped a few pictures.

"Hey Jinxx you want one?" I whispered and he nods. Kellin was curled up in my lap, his head on my chest. "Should we move them? That's got to be a little uncomfortable."

"Yeah but one at a time. You want me to take Kellin while you help me?" I hesitated then gently handed him my precious kitten. Jinxx carefully lays him on a blanket closest to me and covers him with another.

"Alright let's start with the person that won't wake the others if moved." Jinxx says then points to Andy.

"But Ashley-"

"Has no one laying on him. He'll be fine." I nodded and tried to move him down to Jinxx. Ashley's head landed about an inch away from me and Tony stirred.

"Shit that was close. Gimme Ashley now Vic." I pushed him down and he landed almost on top of Andy. Neither moved a muscle.

"Damn.......They are two heavy sleepers."

"Yeah. Now CC and Vic be more careful."

"Sorry!" I whisper yelled and handed over CC. Jinxx lays him somewhat next to Andy and then motioned for Tony. Jinxx placed him near Kellin and then did the same for my brother and my drummer. Last but not least was Jaime, and after we had him situated Jinxx handed me back Kellin, blankets and all. It was now 4 and I sent a picture to Jinxx and then everyone else for a laugh.

"Hey Jinxx-....and you're out as well. Awesome." Jinxx, who was wide awake not five minutes ago, was out like a light lying near his bandmates. I'm still wide awake. I saw some light peaking through the window and realized it was the sun starting to rise. I thought it was 4 but apparently it was actually 5 am. No point in sleeping now. I went to Instagram and Twitter and posted the pictures I had taken of the fort and everyone asleep on each other.

"See what you missed out on Danny?XD" I posted to Instagram and to Twitter I said

"XD I'm never letting y'all live this down. Muahahahahahahahaha!XD"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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