Only love can hurt like this [Mammon x reader]

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AU: imagine it was their plan all along, to get you to fall in love with Mammon so it would be easier to eat your vulnerable heart and soul... But Mammon realised just in time for him to say he loves you one last time.

"You've done well Mammon, acting like a fool so we could criticise you and that foolish human can feel sorry for you."
Lucifer praised the second born.

You were tied onto a chair, muffled screams crying out in panic as you got surrounded by the demons you once considered friends and one of them, your lover.

Mammon let out a laugh but it felt dry.
Of course you were foolish, the moment he let you make a pact with him on purpose, you had already fallen into their trap.

It had never mattered who you fell for.
But you connected with Mammon the most, spent time with him the most, so of course, you slowly fell for who you had thought to be a genuine but kind of dumb demon.

"The human believes that Mammon actually like her? She's so naive it's almost sad."
Asmodeus remarked, pouting sympathetically at you.

You struggled against the ropes tied tight around you.

Your pacts weren't working, as it appears, the pacts marks had all disappeared. All accept one.

"Yeah, and she's absolutely smitten with you Mammon."
Leviathan agreed.

Mammon smirked.

He remembered the time Lucifer hung him upside down from spending too much and having a load of debt to pay off. You begged Lucifer to let him down and have yourself work a job to pay his debts.

You could never stand seeing Mammon getting picked on by his brothers. He knew he was never the smartest. Never as clever as Satan, or as witty as Belphegor.

But everytime one of them said something mean to him, you'd glare them down.

He always told you he had fun when he was around you and you'd say it back too. No matter how much trouble he caused you, you would always come back to him.

You looked at Mammon with tear filled eyes.
Suddenly, he felt a tug at his heart.

He looked away.

Why did he look away? Why did he feel so uncomfortable seeing you in pain?

Your eyes had been filled with tears before but always tears of joy around him when he made you laugh so hard you can barely breathe.

You're just a dumb human. He always thought that but found himself back at the door to your room everytime.

The demons removed the cloth that muffled your screams.

"What is happening? Why are you guys doing this? Did i do something wrong? I thought we wer-"


You were interrupted by Lucifer.

He laughed maniacally,
"HAHAHA! I've said it before, and i'll say it again, you're a pathetic human."

The demons each took turns to throw their insults at you.

"No sweetheart, of course you never did anything wrong. That's why your soul is exactly what we are after, and it's delicious."
Asmodeus licked his lips.

"We are demons, you should have known better, fool."
Satan hissed.

"You were just another disposable, a food for us to eat."
Beelzebub deadpanned.

Your tears kept flowing and flowing. You truly were foolish for ever believing every little thing they did that made you happy. You should have known better.

You had always been in hell after all.

"You actually think Simeon, Solomon and Luke were on your side, huh."
They were merely cooperating with us to feed us."
Leviathan spat.

"Every year, there's an exchange program to sacrifice a weak, helpless soul like you."
Belphegor cackled.

You were silent.

"...and what about you? The one who fooled me into loving you with all my heart and soul."
You asked.

He took a while before responding,

"You were pretty useful for a human you know? Got me out of my debts and all. Entertained me when i got bored of messing around the casino."
He said, slowly approaching you.

"Heck, ya even forgave me after i caused you so much trouble everytime and you stupidly confessed your feelings after i said all that sappy stuff.

You had the nerve to get me feeling all weird and stiff everytime i saw you. I almost thought the pact was really doing something to me..."

He paused.

"... So i really hate you y'know..."

You looked up to the demon that cornered you.

His face wasn't contorted into a menacing look of anger and disgust.
He was crying, a stream of glistening tears flowed down his cheeks from his beautiful blue and gold eyes.

"I hate you so much for making me love you, you damn human."
He used his sharp fingernails to scratch the ropes loose.

"Mammon, what the hell do you think you're doing right now?"
Leviathan sneered.

All the others stood up in shock and anger.

"So I'm sorry i caused ya all this trouble..."
He chanted a familiar incantation.
"...Bring her to a path where there is none..."

You stared, wide eyed at the demon you fell in love with,
"Mammon, wh-what are you doing?"

His brothers fumed with rage at the second born, turning into their demon forms.

"I love ya, MC. I always did and always will. Good bye."
With that, he chanted the last part of the incantation, sending you through a space of time to the human world, before you could even say it back.

Before the portal closed, you saw Mammon smiling back at you contently as he turned into his demon form and all his brothers pounced on him.


You wept and wept. Even after a few months, everytime you thought of him your tears flowed like a river.

Mammon's pact mark slowly faded with time.

You didn't know what happened to him but you knew you'd never see him ever again. He had always been your first man and always will be.

Mammon was whipped, tortured and stripped off the rights of seven rulers of hell. Barbatos kept him in the dungeon, with every other demon that failed to go with Diavolo's plan.

Even so, Mammon never complained. He had wept too not because of the pain but because out of his whole wretched life, he was able to save someone, the only one he loved and will ever love.

I hope i get to see you again one day, my one and only treasure.

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