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Mom: "weNoma, woza la?" she has been standing by the door for some time now watching me lotion my body. I had just taken my night shower. I grab my towel to cover up

Mom: "Leave that towel!" she says in her stern voice. I walk to her slowly confused, her eyes are glued to my chest area.

Me: "Yini mah?" she starts breathing heavily fuming.

Me: "Maaaa!" I scream shocked. This woman just slapped me.

Mom: "Umithi wenanja!!?!"

Me: "Aybo I got my period last week mah." she frowns looking scary, only she can master this scary look.

Mom: "I'm a nurse and a mother of three! I know a pregnant woman when I see one!"

Me: "That's impossible though mah."

Mom: "Kanjani ulala?! Uhamba ebsuku ubuye ekseni?!" she continues to shout.

Me: "I'm always out with Neli nje mah!"

Mom: "Utang'phendula?! I hope you will answer your father tomorrow when we have to go report this pregnancy!" she says with so much anger then walks off leaving me rooted by my bedroom door. I'm really scared now, Dad isn't the one to play with. I might be his little girl but he doesn't take any nonsense and I know he will make sure that I regret ever opening my legs.

I sit on my bed deep in thought. I don't even know where the hell I will get the guy from. Our thing was a once-off thing and worse of all, I gave him my virginity. Stupid, I know. I had gone to one of Hle's old boyfriend's party and I got drunk. I started flirting with this stranger and we ended up in a room together, I let him take my innocence. As drunk as I was, I still remember how special it was, he handled me with kindness and tender care. If I believed in fairytales, I'd say he was my soulmate.

Mom: "Mi, test." she says handing me a pregnancy test kit after barging in my room. I huff and walk to the bathroom. I take the test and wait for the five minutes to pass so I can see the results. I am anxious right now and I'm praying that I'm not pregnant, I even promise God that I will go to church every Sunday and stay away from anything with a tail between its legs.

Mom: "You pregnant!" she pulls me out of my thoughts and inner prayer.

Me: "What?!"

Mom: "Mxm! You better rest because tomorrow morning we going to that boy's house!" she walks out. I just sob sitting on top of the toilet seat. What am I going to do with a child mina?! Worse when this child grows and starts asking me about his or her father. God doesn't love me shame! Yoh!



Dad: "Pinky, wake up baby." he shakes me softly.

Me: "..." I ignore him so I can try and grasp the kind of mood he is in.

Dad: "Pinky waDaddy? Daddy is here, wake up." I swear this man thinks I'm still 5 years old and not 22 years old. I groan at the pain that shoots through my head and the burn in my eyes. I stretch and sit up leaning against my headboard.

Me: "Baba." I whisper.

Dad: "Your whole face is puffy, your eyes are swollen and your nose is pink which clearly means that you have been crying?!" I shake my head.

Me: "It's nothing baba."

Dad: "Who made my baby cry?!" he asks pulling me to his chest and I just wail.

Me: "Baba, I made a terrible mistake." I continue to cry.

Dad: "I know baby, I know. Please don't cry this much, you upsetting my grandchild." I just wail even more because I didn't expect this kind of reaction from him.

Me: "I'm sorry baba." I cry.

Dad: "Okay shush now Pinky wam."

Me: "I'm scared."

Dad: "I know. We are here for you." I nod sniffling. He gently pushes me off him and looks at me smiling a little.

Me: "I disappointed you guys, I'm really sorry baba." he kisses my head.

Dad: "You growing up, I have to make peace with that. Let's go have breakfast." I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom to wash my face and mouth then go back to my room. Dad takes my hand and we walk downstairs to the dining room. Mom has already set the table and placed the food. She looks at us and frowns.

Mom: "Why are you both wearing pajamas?! I don't want any pajamas on my table and chairs!" I huff and rush back to my room, I change into a floral loose dress.

Dad: "Come sit next to Daddy Pinky."

Mom: "Why umtotosa when she has done wrong?!" she asks sharply looking at Dad.

Dad: "She is grown Thembi, these kinds of things are expected from kids. At least she didn't fall pregnant while still schooling. She had her memulo, graduated from university, and has a job MaThembi."

Mom: "She is not married! She is pregnant and still under my roof!"

Dad: "Didn't you also fall pregnant with Philani while still under your parents' roof?!"

Mom: "Exactly! And I don't want my child going through what I went through Thula!" Dad sighs standing up and wraps his arms around Mom.

Dad: "Sthandwa sami."

Mom: "Leave me alone please!" she yanks dad's arms off her and walks off to their bedroom. I stand up following her, I knock lightly on her door then let myself in.

Mom: "I didn't invite you in, I hope the person you carrying doesn't take after you!" I bite my lip nervously because I don't know if she was joking or just being mean. She chuckles.

Mom: "Have I been that bad?!"

Me: "No." I lie, she chuckles.

Mom: "You couldn't take my joke. Come here." she pats next to her. I get on the bed and lay next to her. I took her very pale skin while most of my features were from dad. Her face is also pink, evident that she has been crying.

Me: "Mama, I'm really sorry. I know as parents y'all have such big visions and hopes for us as your kids. I am sorry that I disappointed you and dad by going against your wishes and hopes for me.."

Mom: "Hey, yes we have hopes for our kids but at the end of the day it is up to you how you want your life to be like. I'm sorry for the insults and bad words, I was just shocked, and still am. I'm sorry baby, I expected this well from uPearl not you."

Pearl: "So little faith in me Thembisiwe Khumalo!" she says dramatically walking into the room. Mom laughs.

Mom: "I'm not lying, you are the most problematic child out of all my kids."

Pearl: "Hhaaa mah! What about bhuti?!" she asks climbing on the bed too and also snuggling up on Mom.

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