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-Mandisa Mhlongo

Honestly I am happy about this pregnancy which is kind of weird because I wasn't expecting it. My man is even more happy about this which makes me relieved because we have never really had the kids talk with Ndlalifa. After our doctors appointment he had to rush off to a meeting in Joburg which means he will be back after a week. I waa currently sitting in the kitchen having a chicken sandwich with a glass of juice.

MaMhlongo: "What game are you playing wena ntombazane?!" this crazy woman hates me with passion and she never fails to show it.

Me: "There's a game?" she chuckles bitterly looking me straight in the eye with her piercing eyes.

MaMhlongo: "Don't try to be smart with me, my son's rightful wife will be here soon." I laugh. If she got a R1 coin for everytime she tells me that bull, she'd be rich and probably cured of her craziness.

Me: "Ngiyabona seziyakuvuka futhi mah. Do you need your medication?!" I ask walking to the medicine cabinet and take out her pills. I try to hand them to her but she slaps my hand away making me laugh.

MaMhlongo: "Ngifuna uhlale wazi ukuthi inxeba lendoda alihlekwa." {I want you to know that 'never kick a man when he's down'} she says coldly. I roll my eyes.

Me: "Manje uwena indoda?!" {So you're the man?} she clicks her tongue and continues with making her tea. I put two of her pills in her tea, she breathes heavily and slaps me hard across my face. I bite my tongue as I collide with the wall.

Bab'Mhlongo: "Woah! Woah! Woah!" I start wailing.

MaMhlongo: "uzongazi wena!?!" {You will know me!} she points at me.

Bab'Mhlongo: "Futsek la! Lelihlanya leli." {P*ss off! Bloody lunatic!} he shouts at his wife who walks out furiously.

Bab'Mhlongo: "You okay?!" he asks helping me take a seat."

Me: "Yes, yes i'm fine." he brushes my stomach smiling.

Bab'Mhlongo: "I'm off to my council meeting, ask Zanele to make you something to eat."

Me: "okay thank you baba." he smiles then walks out. I walk to my bedroom dialling my husband, he oicks up the call after the first ring.

Ndlalifa: "Babe, How are you? You okay? the baby?" I giggle.

Me: "We are fine babe, just a bit shocked."

Ndlalifa: "What? Why?"

Me: "Your mom had one of her episodes today and I happened to be her victim, she pushed me making me collide me with the wall."

Ndlalifa: "Baba really needs to do something about that woman! I won't loose my child over her nonsense. Nxxx!"

Me: "Babe, calm down. You know she isn't okay."

Ndlalifa: "I don't care! I don't know why baba doesn't send her back to her home."

Me: "Anyways I was just checking on you love. I miss you already." he chuckles.

Ndlalifa: "Not more than I miss you baby."

Me: "Call me before my bedtime okay?"

Ndlalifa: "I will call baby if I am not stuck in a meeting."

Me: "Okay bye, I love you."

Ndlalifa: "I love you baby." I hang up. I feel arms wrap around my waist,

Me: "I thought you had a council meeting?"

Bab'Mhlongo: "Yes but they can wait. I miss you, it's been so long."

Me: "You sleeping here right?!" I ask turning to face him then wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss his thick full lips. He deepens the kiss grabbing my butt pressing his erect manhood on my stomach.

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