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In the past twenty-six years of my existence, I can say that my life is happy but not too contented. There are things in life that I can’t understand, there are many questions left unanswered. Here I am asking “why?” Am I satisfied with my present situation in life? I think I’m not. I want to achieve more things in life aside from what I have now. I want to settle things up; I want my questions to be answered. I am not really contented with the things and gifts I have received. All I want is to gain more.

But upon looking back, so many things come in my mind, my experiences, the ups and downs in my life and all of the memories that are meant for keeping. One night, as I was staying in my room, I received a text message from a friend of mine and in her message it states that, “not all best are true but all true are better than best.” After reading the message, I felt guilty with myself. It seems that I became so selfish in the past years but on he other side, I’m just being true to myself. 

In reality, I am truly blessed by God. I have loving family who are always there to guide and support me, my dear friends whom I always count on. There’s nothing better than belonging to a great group of friends and nothing worst than feeling like an outcast. People say that true friends are hard to find, I think they’re right. All of us have to love and be loved, to laugh and to cry, to give as well as to receive comfort and understanding from others.

My family and friends are the one’s who influence me in every decision I make. They taught me how to smile and how to face and embrace a bitter world. In times of troubles they held my hand and give me strength. 

Things may not seem to be working out for the best with me now, but I know I’ll make the best out of this situation. I’ll keep on doing the best I can; I can get through this triumphantly. I know these are just challenges and I don’t let this cause me to give up. Even though the road was rocky, I persevered. Eventually, I will not just survive, but I will carry on victoriously.

Now I realized the most important discovery in my life. God loves me and He gave the greatest gift, “my life.” Thus, I know that there is a purpose why God gave me this life. I felt grateful to have this gift. Now, I realized that when the sun rises, lights will spread out. Our lives shared not a spectrum but mirror of all spectacles. 

The sun always rises, it will always set no matter how we feel, what we’ve done and what lies beneath nobody knows but far away from us, the eye that sees everything, our past, our present and our future, the Almighty.

MY GREATEST REALIZATIONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon