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Carly excitedly approaches Freddie to discuss plans for a baby shower, but her enthusiasm fades as Freddie receives upsetting news from his mom. Torn between the joyful occasion and his mother's distress, Freddie grapples with conflicting emotions.

Freddie: Good morning, Carly. How did you sleep?

Carly: Morning, Freddie! Slept pretty well. I was thinking, we should run over some ideas for the baby shower later. What do you think?

Freddie: Sounds like a plan. I was actually looking forward to discussing that with you. I want Grace's baby shower to be special.

Carly: Absolutely! I was thinking about a theme – maybe something whimsical or classic?

Freddie: Whimsical sounds great! What about decorations? Balloons, ribbons, or something more creative?

Carly: I was thinking a mix of both – colorful balloons and maybe some personalized touches, like baby pictures or cute anecdotes.

Freddie: Perfect! And for the games, any fun suggestions?

Carly: How about a baby trivia game or a diaper-changing competition? It could be hilarious.

Freddie: (laughs) Diaper-changing competition, really? Well, it does sound like a good time. Let's make this baby shower unforgettable.

Freddie: Carly, I can't wait to hear all about your ideas for the baby shower, babe. Your excitement is contagious, and I'm thrilled for you and us.

Carly: (smiling) Thanks, Freddie! I want it to be memorable, filled with love and joy for our little Grace.

Freddie: You know, seeing you light up with these plans makes everything feel even more real. I can't believe we're going to be parents soon.

Carly: It's incredible, isn't it? I feel so lucky to be on this journey with you.

Freddie: Me too. I want to be involved in every step, from planning the baby shower to preparing for Grace's arrival.

Carly: (grateful) That means the world to me, Freddie. We're in this together, and I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Freddie and Carly share a moment of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming baby shower and the new chapter in their lives.

Freddie: (jokingly) Carly, am I even supposed to be at the baby shower? Don't they say it's more of a ladies' event?

Carly: (laughs) Oh, Freddie, you're definitely invited. It's not just for ladies; it's for celebrating us as future parents.

Freddie: (grinning) Phew, good to know. I was starting to imagine being banished to watch football or something.

Carly: (playfully) No way! You're an important part of this, and besides, there might be a diaper-changing competition you can dominate.

Freddie: (sarcastically) Oh, great. Just what I've always dreamed of – a diaper-changing championship.

Carly: (laughs) Trust me; it'll be fun. Your involvement is what will make it even more special.

Freddie and Carly share a lighthearted moment, looking forward to the baby shower and the unique experiences they'll share on this parenting adventure.

Carly: How about we continue discussing baby shower ideas over dinner and a movie tonight?

Freddie: Sounds perfect to me. What are you in the mood for?

Carly leans in and kisses Freddie.

Carly: I was thinking Italian for dinner, and as for the movie, maybe a classic romantic comedy?

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