Kingdom Of Eldrid

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In the kingdom of Eldrid, the people have always lived in peace thanks to the protection of the immortal dragon, but suddenly, a tragic struck when the dragon disappeared, and the evil forces came threatening the kingdom and its world. A young peasant girl name soul, she discoveries she has magical powers, and sets out on a quest to find a way to restore the magic and to find the immortal dragon, Along the way she’ll meet allies and travelers including talking with unknown creatures, and spirits. Although the way fate has another plan which changes fate itself, later the evil forces will join her or fight against her. Another is she will find the immortal dragon kin a seek an unknown gift along the way.

Chapter 1
Soul always loved hearing stories about bravery and strength, she often dreamed about a dragon encountering one herself. One night, she had a vivid dream about a dragon shimmering gold color, with eyes glowing like stars. In the dream, the dragon seemed sad and lost. It flew aimlessly through the dark sky looking for something it had lost. Soul felt a deep connection to the dragon and wanted to help it, but she didn’t know how. The next day, Soul went for a walk in the woods to clear her head. As she wandered along a stream, she heard a rustling in the bushes, she looked to see a baby golden dragon, the same dragon from her dream. Soul nor the baby dragon don’t seem afraid of each other, they just look at each other for just a moment, until they heard a faint roar in the far distances. Soul decided to stay with the baby dragon for a bit. Soul went to go find berries or herbs to give to the baby dragon, she kept on looking around to see blackberries, and raspberries in a bush next to the lake, she’d pick them up one by one, after picking them, soul washed them in the clear lake, as she cleaned, she looks up.

The sense of the mountain lake was very beautiful, up high in the mountains they could see their village. They could see the farms, tiny houses and including the ones in the snowy mountains.
After soul finished washing the berries, she fed them to the baby dragon. Soul decided to keep the dragon, to keep it safe from harm, soul picked up the baby dragon gentle and went home, she did sort of lived in the village, but before, she’d build a small house for herself, since no one knew who her parents, although they did take care of her since she was just a baby. Souls was turning 16 years old, the villagers helped her out on the builder of the house, the indoors of the house was all of souls doing, she’d lived next to a forest.

She worked on the indoor furniture for months, and soul carved some of the cups and bowls to work with before a carver person showed her who to carve wood into fine pieces of furniture items. As she went inside, to see if she had a fruit basket to pick up some berries outside, as she picks up the basket, she puts the baby dragon on her bed, where the baby dragon curls up and falls asleep, soul looked outside to see her garden, then to turn around to see a basket full of vegetables.
After finishing the picking of vegetables and fruit, soul grabbed her backpack and grabbed a ton of vegetables and fruit as many as she could hold, then went to the forest laying them down on the ground, she left after putting them down to let the creatures enjoy them, as soul is walking back home, she looks over the ridge and sees a beautiful sunset over the horizon. Soul went back to her house, to see the little dragon still asleep, soul felt too tired to change her clothes, she walked over to her bed, and crawled over to the pillow and slept next to the dragon. As she started to fall asleep, soul hugged the dragon to keep it warm, she put the blanket over them, and she slowly fell asleep. The next day, she woke up to see that the baby dragon was not there beside her, she looked around to see the baby dragon munching half of the basket of fruit and the other basket was empty on the floor. Soul was baffled when she saw the sight of it, all the fruit she’d picked gone. Soul walked over to the baby dragon and picked it up and tried to Communicate with it by pointing to the fruit and her finger moving a no sign towards the baby dragon. The baby dragon looked over towards the fruit than at soul with a confused look, soul noticed and looked over at the fruit then suggested *prehab’s the baby dragon is still hungry? * She puts down the baby dragon, and it ran towards the fruit, kept on eating the fruit. Soul said “alright, you’re still hungry, I’ll see if I could find more fruit or an animal for you, I guess stay here to finish the fruit, mmm you probably don’t understand me, this may be a struggle for the both of us, and I’ll need to come up with a name for you small dragon”, she walks out locking the door, and walks towards a small shed to see her equipment, see grabbed her hunting knifes, bow and arrows, scythe, and tonfas that she created them, a while back.
She puts them on and walks out right before she walks to see if the baby dragon is asleep through the window, but she notices the baby dragon is gone, soul quickly unlocks the door. She looks around the house and the baby dragon were gone until, the baby dragon suddenly, poofs in front of her, soul jumped saying out loud, “HOLY MOTHER of-” she was to stun to talk, as soul tries to speak, she suddenly, hears something say “mother!” the voice sound excited, soul looked around confused and realized it was only her and the baby dragon in the house, soul looks at the baby dragon and says “d-did you just talk” she bends down, she says in her thoughts *am I just losing my mind or did the baby dragon just spoke*. The baby dragon said again “mother”, soul felt a complex of emotions that she’d couldn’t describe what she felt, soul said “d-did you just, how, when?” soul couldn’t speak the right words, she took breath as spoke saying, “when were you able to talk?” the baby dragon spoke saying, “all my life, mom” soul said “mom? I’m your mom” the baby dragon *nods*. Soul said “alright, I’m going out hunting, you stay here and don’t make a mess while I’m gone” the baby dragon *agreed nod*, she left the house and walked down the path towards the forest, soul pick a few berries from the bush, she went to the stream to clean and plop them into her mouth, she went a bit further towards the stream, to see her fishing nets, she set them up a few days ago, she looked inside to see big fishes, small fishes, and on some aquations crabs, there was eight crabs. Soul lifted them up and was going back until she heard a *snap of a twig*, soul quickly bends down to see a deer.

Soul slowly pulls out her bow putting two arrows on it, she pulls back the arrows, aiming for the eye and the head, she releases them, the arrows went right through the deer, soul walked right up the lightless deer, she puts a rope around the deer’s legs dragging it back to the house. It took soul about 2 hours to get back to the house, she drops the deer’s legs on the ground besides her house, including the fishes and crabs, she went in the house to see the baby dragon sleeping, soul washes the fruit and puts them into the baskets which made one full and the other half basket. She went outside to grab the rope dragging the lifeless deer to her shed were other lifeless animals are such as rabbits, pigs, sheep, boar, and chickens, soul toss the rope to the other end and pulling the rope of hold the lifeless deer to harvest, first she brought fire wood at boil water, then she grabs her knife and started harvesting the deer, it took about an hour to harvest, she took the organs of the deer in a metal bowl, she washed them, and plant them into the forest then putting a trap around. She went back and grabbed all the dead animals that were in the shed and were hanging and put them in different spots of the forest to catch a different animal, soul went back to the shed and grabbed the deer meat, and put them outside on the side, then went back inside to grab the deer hide and she set the deer hide.

After soul puts up the hide, she grabbed the deer meat, and walked inside washing the meat in water, and grabbing carrots, peas, corn, spinach, and two eggs, and she walked over to the wheat field and took a few wheat, then grided them into flour and mixing it with water, after make dough, she cut them into strings of noodles, after finishing the noodles, the vegetables are washed in water, she puts them on the side, and went outside to grab firewood, she’d placed them down and started a fire, after the fire started, soul went to the well to grab water and head inside to pour it in the cauldron, after putting the deer meat and letting it boil, she waited for a bit and the puts in the vegetables in including the two eggs. After letting cooking, she grabbed two bowls and pours the soup in the bowl with the noodles, soul walked over to the baby dragon, shaking it gentle a bit to wake up, the baby dragon woke up a little and looks over *yawning* to see her mother prepare soup, soul picks up the baby dragon and they both enjoyed eating the soup after eating and cleaning, they both took a bath together, and went to bed. The next day, soul woke up to see the baby dragon next to her, she smile a bit, she’d moves over closer towards the baby dragon then went back to sleep, they slept until the early afternoon, the baby dragon woke up to see her mother next to her, the baby dragon crawls over to*boop* her nose, soul woke up a bit, opening her eyes to see the baby dragon in front of her, she both *chuckled* a bit, then soul said “good morning” not realizing it was the early afternoon. They stood up and stretched their arms and legs, soul crawls out of bed then picking up the baby dragon and plops them down, after washing up, soul realized that it was the early afternoon, she thought to herself *we slept for a long time, huh* soul went out to the garden to grab fruit, she brought them inside, she’d gotten strawberries, and blueberries than she’d washed off the dirt, after completely cleaning them. She put them in a Mortar and pestle, and crushed them into a liquid flavor, then she grabbed ice and crushed them together to make a smoothie.
Soul grabbed two wooden spoons, after eating the smoothie, they washed the plates, and went back to bed, but before they did soul sang towards the baby dragon.
Sleep, little one, close your eyes
Your body's cooling with the night
Let your worries slip away
Tomorrow is a brand new day
Shimmering moon and satin sky
Soft wind breathes its lullaby
Your dreams are here to set you free
The dawn will bring you back to me
The dawn will bring you back to me

After the lullaby, they both fell asleep, the next day soul woke up, she stood up, stretching her whole body, she’d walked towards the sink turning on the faucet *splashing* her face with water, the water was cold but refreshing at the same time. Soul grabbed cloth a dried her face, she looked over to the baby dragon to see them still asleep, she thought about the baby dragon having no name than she decided for Elizabeth.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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