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A/n: Kaisagi or Rinsagi?






"Oh? That would be nice." Isagi nodded, a smile formed on his face. "Right then, lead the way. I don't really remember the way to your dorm." Chigiri chuckled softly. Isagi nodded and began leading the way to his dorm.

"Oh, by the way, how has Hyo been?" Chigiri asked... which immediately confused Isagi, but he decided to shrug it off. "Hyo? Well... he's been decent, I guess?" Isagi chuckled awkwardly.

"Decent? I see. Reo just wants to know." Chigiri explained. Now, it made sense to Isagi. "Alright." Isagi nodded. This situation was complicated.

"By the way. I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but I'd like to take you out sometime to get to know you. We haven't had the chance to talk one on one properly." Chigiri suggested, though he wasn't trying to flirt, he was approaching genuinely.

"That'd be nice. I'd like that." Isagi nodded in response. Chigiri felt relief wash over him. He, for some reason, thought he would have been turned down. Maybe it was because of the lack of communication between them.

After some time of talking. They had reached Isagi's dorm. Isagi had to admit, it was nice to have Chigiri's company. He was laid back and easy to talk to. "I'll see you tomorrow, Isagi. Don't forget to tell me what everyone says."

"Of course, thank you for walking me back." Isagi replied. And with that, Chigiri began walking away. Isagi had watched him walk for a moment before stepping into the dorm.

To find it in a complete mess.

"Bachira, how many times do I have to remind you not to come in uninvited? And why in the world are you here, Hyo?"

Isagi was greeted by Rin yelling at the two boys... and Nagi, who was nowhere to be seen. Most likely hiding in their shared room. "I was totally invited. Hyo invited me." Bachira said, which was a complete lie.

"Right... I definitely invited you." Hyo nodded along, but his tone was filled with sarcasm, so it was easy to tell he was just playing along.

Isagi noticed how the 3 didn't notice his presence yet, so he quietly shut the door and took his shoes off. He didn't want to be caught in the midst of whatever was happening, and so he snuck his way into his and Nagis room.

Isagi found Nagi in the bed on his phone, but as soon as Isagi entered, it immediately alerted Nagi. "Isagi? You're back already." He said and sat up, placing his phone down.

"Mhm. I didn't want to be outside for that long." Isagi explained as he took his jacket off and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. "Alright." Nagi responded as he shifted over so Isagi could get on the bed as well.

"Also, are you free tomorrow? Reo and Chigiri both brought tickets to an amusement park and want everyone to tag along." Isagi said as he sat down next to Nagi, placing the blanket back over them.

"Oh. Wouldn't that just be a hassle, though?" Nagi asked, not really interested in going to an amusement park, knowing very well that he'll be dragged around everywhere with the group.

"Not really. Amusement parks are pretty fun." Isagi shrugged. He wasn't surprised by Nagi's reluctance due to his laziness. He still remembers all the times Reo had to carry Nagi everywhere at school.

Nagi stayed silent for some moments. "Alright then." He sighed. He still seemed reluctant, but he assumed Reo would have dragged him with the others anyway.

Isagi nodded with a small smile on his face. Nagi did not hesitate to crawl in between Isagi's arm as he took his phone with him to carry on playing his game.

Isagi, on the other hand, wasn't really paying attention to anything else. He could hear the faint noise of Hyo and Bachira doing... what sounds like cooking or something in the kitchen.

It seems Rin gave up on trying to get words through their heads, Isagi just hoped they wouldn't blow up their kitchen.


A/n: I've unintentionally neglected Chigiri from the harem for so long 😭😭

Anyway, Reonagi or Rinsagi?

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