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A/n: Okay, this will be a little different since this option would help me decide something in the future chapters, but.

Saesagi or Rinsagi?





"It's so... crowded." Nagi complained as he shifted himself towards Reo. He knew he should've stayed tucked away in bed all day.

"Woah~ Isagi, Isagi! We should go on the roller coaster first!" Bachira exclaimed as he pointed at the coaster, tugging at Isagi's sleeve.

In the end, everyone ended up coming along. Even though Rin didn't want to, he came because Isagi came. Though he would never say so aloud.

"It's surprisingly cold." Chigiri commented who was wearing a jacket and a scarf at once. Which was the same sort of attire as everyone else. "There's food stalls.." Kurona pointed out as he slowly made his way over to them.

Chigiri just trailed behind him so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. "Hyo, have you ever been to an amusement park before?" Nagi questioned as he turned to look at him.

"Nope. It's my first time." Hyo explained. He still had a casual smile on his face as he looked around before he felt Bachira drag him over to some sort of fun house.

"This one!" Bachira suggested. "Looks... thrilling." Rin remarked as he walked up beside the 2 with his hands in his pockets. "This doesn't have a mirror maze, does it?" Nagi questioned as he looked at everyone.

"Many fun houses involve mirror mazes, so the chances are high." Chigiri suddenly said as he reappeared with Kurona by his side, eating cotton candy from one of the food stalls.

"Ah... I'm going to wait out here then." Nagi said as he sat down on one of the nearby benches. "Ah, alright." Hyo nodded. "I'll wait outside as well." Kurona said and sped walked his way over to Nagi.

"I'll try to pick a better thing next..." Bachira smiled sheepishly but then grabbed the two closest people to him and dragged them inside, which happened to be Reo and Rin.

Isagi, Chigiri, and Hyo just followed in behind the 3. It certainly wasn't something you'd call 'fun'. At least in Rin's opinion.

"Oh, so this was the mirror maze Nagi was talking about?" Hyo said as he gazed around at the room, but all that showed was just their reflections. Bachira, on the other hand, accidentally bumped into a mirror.

"Now I understand why he didn't want to enter." Chigiri said as he placed his hand on the walls to make sure he didn't make the same mistake Bachira did. "This is annoying." Rin commented, Isagi nodded in agreement.

"There's a pathway this way." Reo pointed out, which caused everyone to trail behind Reo. "This place is weirdly uncomfortable." Chigiri said, though he was mainly talking to himself and just decided to speak aloud.

Thankfully, Reo managed to lead them out of the mirror maze. Even though many of them bumped into walls many times, 'most' of them still had a blast in there.

"Never again." Rin said with no hesitation as they were finally out. "It wasn't that bad!" Bachira argued as he jumped around, mainly focusing on every single ride that was displayed.

"How was it?" Nagi asked as he walked up to Isagi. "Interesting." Which was the best way to put it, in Isagi's opinion anyway. But he'd prefer not to go back in there for a while.

"I saw that there was a swinging ship ride. Can we go on that later?" Kurona asked as he walked back over to the group behind Nagi. "Oh? Can we go on it now?" Bachira asked with pure excitement.

"Sounds better than that fun house." Rin said bluntly. "The slander is real." Hyo laughed as he began making way to the swinging ship since nobody objected to the idea.

Once they made their way onto the ride after waiting in an annoyingly long line, they all sat next to each other since there were others on with them. "Wait, this doesn't do a full loop, right?" Hyo asked as he settled into his seat next to Chigiri and Isagi.

"Nope, otherwise we'd all fall off as soon as we're upside down." Isagi explained, pointing out how they didn't have any proper safety things included in their seats. "Alright, great! Otherwise, I'd be freaking out." Hyo chuckled.

The ride overall was rather chill. It did go pretty high, but it still was a relaxing ride for most anyway. Though the group were deciding what they we're going to do next, they walked through the food stall section and decided to just regain any sort of energy before continuing.

"They sell popcorn here?" Isagi said as he was walking to every single stall reading what they sell, Kurona was just following him curiously.

"Isagi." Reo suddenly said as he walked over to Kurona and Isagi, who were currently at an ice cream stand. "Mhm?" Isagi replied and turned to face Reo. "Here." He said and held out a bag of candy.

"Oh... thanks?" Isagi was slightly confused but took the bag regardless. Before Isagi could even question, Reo had walked away already. "What type of candy is it?" Kurona asked curiously.

"Toffees. But I don't necessarily like these. Hyo does, though." Isagi said before turning to Kurona, offering him one, though he politely declined. So Isagi walked up to Hyo.

"Hyo, you eat these, right?" Isagi asked as he held the bag up to Hyo, and his face immediately lit up with excitement. "Of course!" Hyo asked as he took the bag, thanking Isagi.

"I didn't think they sold these here." Hyo said as he immediately took one out of the bag. "Neither." Isagi shrugged. "Where'd you get them?" Hyo asked as he looked back at Isagi.

"Oh, Reo gave them to me." Isagi shrugged, not really understanding Reo's motives by doing that, but decided not to dwell on it. "He did? I see." Hyo hummed as he nodded.

"Are... Hyo and Reo, not on talking terms?" Kurona whispered to Isagi as he walked beside Isagi instead of behind him. "They haven't been on talking terms for a while now." Isagi explained.

He was actually rather surprised Kurona knew nothing about the situation, considering how often Kurona and Hyo talk with one another. Kurona nodded in response to what Isagi said, though.

"It seems like Reo wanted to give those candies to Hyo, but didn't want to do it himself, so he gave them to you?" Kurona suggested, though it was just an assumption, he could be entirely wrong.

"That sounds logical, actually." Isagi nodded, but he decided not to mind it all that much.


A/n: alright, these were all the chapters I could make in one night, hope these were... alright 😭.

My writing skills are still pretty sloppy since I haven't written anything in a long time lmfao.


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