Acrostic: Jerk me to Sleep, my Angel
© 1-13-2024, Olan L. Smith
Jury-rig my spine; yank it down, deep into darkness where
Every soul waits for the vortex to enter the unconscious realm of Hades
Realized in the realms; there are lives unlived, unremembered, where
Knights trod freely earning their passage with valor,
Measured by their kill at the end of the sword, arrow, or knife propelled by anger.
Every dream comes from the whirlwind, and each dream is from another you.
Tonight, as you lay your head down, wait for the jerk, that sinking feeling.
Oblige its tug. Enter the doorway to be the other you. Learn from your
Slumber. Know yourself; become aware of the real you. Is it this
Life, or is it there in the underworld waiting your return?
Each night is a temptation; you are determining what life is yours.
Eveningtide wants you, calls you, and temps you — see me. Am I real?
Punch your ticket, and come ride the ferry across the river Styx.
Many worlds, infinite yous — perhaps we are all at once,
Yet when the tug of our spine comes, we are never ready.
Amuse each other in your rest, or scare each other to death.
Nothing feels worse than being lost in spirit searching in
Gator-infested swamps of reality. Am I this or that animal?
Estimate your self-worth and keep faith in your followers;
Love yourself, and enjoy the allure beyond the whirlpool.
Bird's Eye
PuisiA new collection of poems written by Olan L. Smith starting 2023; all right's reserved.