𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ᅳ 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬

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Happy chuckled as Sage's eyes lit up as he placed a plate of Gemma's meatloaf on the table where she sat with Tig and Ima

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Happy chuckled as Sage's eyes lit up as he placed a plate of Gemma's meatloaf on the table where she sat with Tig and Ima. Sitting down with his own plate, he always kept an eye on the redhead, making sure she was eating enough.

"Oh my god, that tastes so good!" Without waiting, she shoved a fork full into her mouth and let out a contented sigh. "I have to admit, I missed that."

"Oh, more than us or what?" Tig asked, pretending to be hurt before he smirked. "What did you do to our killer? He's never brought anyone food before."

"Mhmm, I would like t' know that too", Chibs chimed in amused and sat down with the group, having his own plate with him. "How did you get him so soft, lass?"

"I'm still here, assholes", the SAA grunted, contentedly watching as Sage almost completely emptied the plate within a short space of time. "I just want her to eat, that's all."

"Isn't that cute?" A teasing grin crossed her lips and she placed her hand on Happy's leg under the table.

"Don't ever say that out loud again, woman", Happy warned, although he smirked and slipped his hand under the table to place it on top of Sage's.

"Okay", Tig began, unsure what to think about the whole thing. In any case, the two of them behaved strangely. "Can you two explain what this is? Why would you be interested in her well-being even though she's not your Old Lady?" he asked Happy, genuinely interested. "Not that I mind, my daughter deserves to get spoiled. But your sudden urge to take care of a woman scares me a little."

After letting out a laugh, Ima rubbed the tip of her nose. "Maybe because he's a gentleman?"

Chibs snorted a laugh. "Hap, a gentleman?"

"What the hell, man?" Happy just shook his head and took a sip of his beer before standing up. Whistling through his teeth to get everyone's attention, he noticed Sage's nervous look on him. "I got some news", he gently pulled the redhead to her feet. "Or rather, we."

"I think I'm going to throw up", the redhead announced quietly so only Happy could hear her. However, he just chuckled while he put his arm loosely around her.

Earlier in the motel they both decided that it would be better to tell everyone. Everyone would find out about it eventually anyway and Happy seemed so proud that he wanted to share it with everyone right away. Although Sage was sure he was doing that so more people would keep an eye on her.

"Wait, don't tell me Sage is your Old Lady", Bobby said with a little too much joy in his tone, which only earned him a sour look from Jaxᅳ although Bobby didn't even notice it.

Juice chuckled at Bobby's enthusiasm. "Come on, tell us the news!"

"No, I'm not", Sage immediately let everyone know, whereupon everyone seemed to be a little disappointed. She kneaded her hands nervously, the smallest smile on her lips. "I'm pregnant."

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